2025年03月10日 16時30分
中部電力株式会社、中部電力パワーグリッド株式会社、中部電力ミライズ株式会社の3社(以下、「当社グループ」)は、経済産業省と日本健康会議が共同で実施する「健康経営優良法人認定制度」において、本日、大規模な企業や医療法人等を対象とした「大規模法人部門」の上位500社として「健康経営優良法人2025(ホワイト500)」に認定されました。 昨年に続き、5年連続の認定かつ、電気・ガス業界においても5年連続1位となります。 「健康経営優良法人認定制度」は、地域の健康課題に即した取り組みや、日本健康会議が進める健康増進の取り組みをもとに、特に優良な健康経営を実践している法人が顕彰される制度です。 当社グループは、従業員が心身ともに健康で、いきいきと働くことができる環境を整備することで、従業員の働きがいやパフォーマンスを高め、企業価値の向上につなげていくことを目的に、健康経営を推進しております。 今後も、経営層、産業保健スタッフ、労働組合および健康保険組合等が一体となって、健康経営の推進に向けた様々な施策を積極的に展開していきます。 【具体的な取り組み】 全従業員を対象とした人間ドックによる定期健康診断 産業保健スタッフによる個別保健指導 ウェアラブル端末を活用した運動や睡眠の行動変容支援 メンタル不調の未然予防を目的としたポジティブメンタルヘルスの取り組み 管理職や女性従業員を対象とした女性特有の不調や病気等に関する研修の開催 (注)健康経営は、特定非営利活動法人 健康経営研究会の商標です。
2025年03月10日 12時00分
2025年03月10日 10時45分
2025年03月07日 16時00分
当社は、第570回社債を発行することとし、本日募集をいたしました。 発行条件など概要は下記のとおりです。 記 1 発行額 60億円 2 各社債の金額 100万円 3 表面利率 年2.298% 4 払込金額(発行価額) 額面100円につき金100円 5 応募者利回り 年2.298% 6 期間(償還期日) 16年(2041年3月25日) 7 償還方法 満期一括償還 8 利払日 毎年3月25日および9月25日 9 払込期日(発行日) 2025年3月25日 10 募集期間 2025年3月7日 11 募集方法 公募 12 資金の使途 設備資金、借入金返済資金、社債償還資金および 中部電力パワーグリッド株式会社への貸付資金 13 担保 電気事業法による一般担保 14 社債管理者 株式会社三井住友銀行(代表)、 株式会社みずほ銀行および 株式会社三菱UFJ銀行 15 引受金融商品取引業者 野村證券株式会社 16 振替機関 株式会社証券保管振替機構
2025年03月07日 11時00分
2025年03月06日 14時00分
中部電力株式会社(代表取締役社長:林 欣吾、以下「中部電力」)は、このたび、株式会社大垣共立銀行(頭取:林 敬治、以下「大垣共立銀行」)が保有する岐阜県養老郡養老町内の研修施設内にある遊休地を活用した、太陽光発電所(以下「本発電所」)の開発を決定しました。また、中部電力ミライズ株式会社(代表取締役:神谷 泰範、以下「中部電力ミライズ」)は、本日、大垣共立銀行と本発電所を活用したオフサイトPPAサービスの導入に関する契約を締結しました。 本発電所は、中部電力が大垣共立銀行専用の太陽光発電所として開発するものであり、発電した電気は、中部電力ミライズを通じて、大垣共立銀行の本店(岐阜県大垣市)をはじめ合計10拠点へ、オフサイトPPAサービスの契約期間である20年にわたり供給されます。なお、大垣共立銀行は、本発電所の活用により、年間のCO2排出量を約800トン削減することが可能となります。 今後、中部電力は、自然環境へ配慮をしつつ、地域の皆さまおよび関係各所のご理解とご協力をいただきながら、2026年3月の運転開始に向け、開発を進めてまいります。 中部電力グループは、「2030年頃に、保有・施工・保守を通じた再生可能エネルギーの320万kW以上の拡大」という目標を掲げています。引き続き、積極的な電源開発に取り組むとともに、お客さまのニーズを捉えたサービスの提供を通じて、地域のお客さまと再エネ電源の開発や活用を促進し、脱炭素社会の実現に貢献してまいります。 【本発電所の概要】 発電設備所在地 岐阜県養老郡養老町若宮地内 発電出力 1250.0kW(パネル出力1695.0kW) 想定年間発電電力量 約190万kWh/年(一般家庭約610世帯分に相当) 工事着工予定 2025年8月 運転開始予定 2026年3月 【オフサイトPPAサービスの概要】 【本発電所レイアウトイメージ】
2025年03月05日 11時00分
このたび、小諸市、中部電力株式会社(以下、「中部電力」)、第一環境株式会社(以下、「第一環境」)、株式会社日邦バルブ(以下、「日邦バルブ」)、株式会社日野エンジニアリング(以下「日野エンジニアリング」)および株式会社水みらい小諸(以下「水みらい小諸」)の6者は、電力スマートメータの通信網を活用した水道栓の遠隔開閉の実証実験(以下、「本実証」)を行うこととしました。 小諸市では、人口減少等により検針員等の人員が慢性的に不足しています。また、冬季は積雪により検針困難な箇所が発生し、凍結等による宅内漏水の発見遅延による有収率(注)の低下等が課題となっています。 こうした中、小諸市では、水道事業運営会社である水みらい小諸を通じて、2023年12月から2024年11月までの間、中部電力の子会社である中電テレメータリング合同会社が提供する電力スマートメータ通信網を活用した水道自動検針の実証実験を行いました。 本実証では、冬季を含む年間を通じて、水道自動検針のために設置する水道スマートメータの通信技術および電力スマートメータ通信網と、日邦バルブおよび日野エンジニアリングが開発した水道栓を遠隔開閉できる水道スマートバルブの連携による水道栓の遠隔開閉の操作性、実効性等を検証します。 今後、6者は、早期に遠隔開閉技術を確立することで、水道契約の開始・終了時や宅内漏水発生時の現地出向を不要とし、人員不足の解消および業務効率化といった行政サービスにおける課題解決と水道利用者の利便性向上を目指していきます。 (注)給水する水量と料金として収入のあった水量との比率のこと。 1.実証実験期間 2025年3月~2026年3月 2.実証実験箇所 市内公共施設 6箇所 3.実証実験項目 (1)水道スマートバルブの操作性・実行性の確認 (2)製品化に向けた機能や仕様等の課題の把握 (3)省エネ性やバッテリー寿命の評価 (4)ステージング環境における耐久性の検証 4.実証実験イメージ
2025年03月03日 15時00分
当社は、愛知県田原市小中山町地内において、あつみ第二風力発電所(以下「本発電所」)を建設することといたしましたので、お知らせいたします。 本発電所は発電出力21,000kWの陸上風力発電所であり、2025年5月の工事着手、2027年11月の運転開始を予定しております。 今後、当社は、自然環境へ配慮をしつつ、地域の皆さまおよび関係各所のご理解とご協力をいただきながら、開発を進めてまいります。 当社グループは、再生可能エネルギーを脱炭素化やエネルギー自給率の向上に資する主力電源の一つと位置付けており、目標として掲げる「2030年頃に保有・施工・保守を通じた320万kW以上の拡大」達成に向け、引き続き、積極的な電源開発に取り組んでまいります。 【あつみ第二風力発電所の概要】 発電出力 21,000 kW(単機出力4,200kW×5基) 計画地点 愛知県田原市小中山町地内 想定年間発電電力量 約5,150万kWh (一般家庭約17,000世帯分の年間使用電力量に相当) CO2削減量 年間23,000トン程度 工事着手予定 2025年5月 運転開始予定 2027年11月 【計画地点概略位置】
2025年03月03日 11時00分
2025年02月28日 13時30分
当社は、本日、経済産業大臣から再生可能エネルギーの利用の促進に関する特別措置法(平成23年法律第108号)第9条第4項の規定に基づく認定の取消しに係る通知を受領しましたので、お知らせします。 当社は、引き続き、再発防止策の徹底に取り組んでまいります。 1.対象となる認定 認定事業者名 中部電力株式会社 発電所名 和田水力発電所 発電設備の設置場所 長野県小県郡長和町和田字塩ノ上3317-1 ほか40筆 認定日(新規認定) 2022年3月16日 2.根拠となる法令の条項 再生可能エネルギー電気の利用の促進に関する特別措置法第15条第1号
2025年02月27日 14時00分
2025年02月27日 13時30分
2025年02月25日 17時30分
関係会社社長の異動について、以下のとおりお知らせいたします。 関係会社社長の異動 2025年4月1日付 会社名 新任者および役職(【】内は現役職) 現任者 (株)シーテック 代表取締役社長 社長執行役員 下廣 大輔 【(株)シーテック 取締役 上席執行役員】 仰木 一郎
2025年2月度 定例記者会見 林社長挨拶
2025年02月25日 16時00分
本日、私からは、「経営ビジョン2.0」の実現に向けた取り組みとして、 飯田市川路地区における地域マイクログリッドの実証運用開始 中部電力ミライズにおける脱炭素化に向けた取り組み の2点について、お話しします。
2025年02月25日 16時00分
2025年02月25日 16時00分
2025年02月25日 13時30分
当社は、飯田市(市長:佐藤 健)とともに、環境省が募集した「第2回脱炭素先行地域(注1)」に、「既存配電系統を活用した地域マイクログリッドによる人をつなぎ地域をつなぐまちづくり」を共同提案し、選定されています(2022年11月1日お知らせ済み)。 この共同提案に基づき、当社は、飯田市川路地区で運営している太陽光発電施設「メガソーラーいいだ」、新設する蓄電池およびエネルギーマネジメントシステム、ならびに、既存配電系統を用いる地域マイクログリッド(注2)(以下「飯田マイクログリッド」)の構築に向け、飯田市と連携して取り組みを進めてまいりました。 (注1)脱炭素先行地域とは、2050年カーボンニュートラルに向けて、2030年度までに地域特性に応じて二酸化炭素排出実質ゼロの実現を目指す地域であり、現在、環境省により全国で81提案が選定されている。 (注2)災害等により長時間の停電が発生したときに、地域内の太陽光等の発電設備と避難施設等の間で、地域の配電線を使って小さな電力網を構成し、電気を送り届ける仕組み。 これまでに新設設備の設置および開発を完了し、本日、飯田マイクログリッドの実証運用を開始しましたので、お知らせします。今後、地域の皆さまとともに災害等による長時間の停電発生時を想定したフィールド試験を経て、2030年までの実運用開始を目指してまいります。 当社は、本実証を通じ、発電設備と蓄電池の最適運用により、エネルギーの地産地消を進めるとともに、非常災害時における避難施設等への電力供給による地域のレジリエンス強化に貢献してまいります。
2025年02月21日 16時00分
2025年02月21日 14時00分
2025年02月14日 15時00分
Initiatives to develop small ammonia co-firing once-through…
2024年05月21日 15時00分
MIURA CO., LTD. (President, CEO & CTO: Tsuyoshi Yoneda; hereinafter "MIURA CO.") and Chubu Electric Power Co., Inc. (President & Director: Kingo Hayashi; hereinafter "Chubu Electric Power") have entered into a joint research agreement (hereinafter "the agreement") for the development of a small once-through boiler for co-firing city gas and ammonia (hereinafter "ammonia co-firing boiler").The two companies and Chubu Electric Power Miraiz Co., Inc. (President: Yasunori Kamiya, hereinafter "Miraiz") have also agreed to proceed with studies toward commercialization and marketing of ammonia co-firing boiler. Industrial boilers used mainly in factories today are fueled primarily by heavy oil and gas, and are required to switch to fuels such as hydrogen and ammonia, which do not emit CO2 during combustion, in order to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050.Among these fuels, ammonia is expected to be a decarbonized energy source that can be implemented in society on an early stage, since its transportation and storage technologies have been well established. However, further technological innovation is still required for the use of ammonia as a fuel, due to its difficulty in stable combustion at high temperatures and the need to reduce the amount of nitrogen oxides (NOx) emitted during combustion. Based on the agreement, MIURA CO. and Chubu Electric Power will work on the development of a co-firing burner of city gas and ammonia and combustion tests using an experimental facility to be installed in Engineering Research & Development Division of Chubu Electric Power (Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture). Furthermore, with the addition of Miraiz, the three companies will conduct market research and study product specifications, etc. for ammonia co-firing boilers with the aim of commercializing the product as soon as possible. The three companies will contribute to the realization of a carbon neutral society by supporting customers' decarbonization efforts through decarbonization solutions for heat utilization processes in the industrial sector.
Issuing 568th Corporate Bonds "Third Chubu Electric Power G…
2024年05月16日 15時00分
Chubu Electric Power has decided to 568th corporate bonds "third chubu electric power green bonds"(*) and 569th corporate bonds, the offering period of which has begun today. The following is an overview of issue conditions. (*) From the standpoint of promoting initiatives to realize a carbon-free society and diversify financing, third chubu electric power green bonds limits use of procured financing to development of renewable energies and other environmental improvement projects. Details 1 568th Corporate Bonds "Third Chubu Electric Power Green Bonds" 1 Amount issued 10 billion yen 2 Denominations 1 million yen 3 Coupon rate 1.214% per annum 4 Cost (Issue value) 100 yen per par value of 100 yen 5 Subscriber yield 1.214% per annum 6 Period (payback date) 10 years (May 25, 2034) 7 Payback schedule Lump-sum payment at end of period 8 Interest disbursements May 25 and November 25 of each year 9 Payment receipt date (Issue date) May 22, 2024 10 Subscription accepted from May 16, 2024 11 Subscription procedure Public offering 12 Purpose for funds Development, construction, administration and maintenance of renewable energy facilities 13 Security Ordinary security under Electric Utility Industry Law 14 Bond Administrators Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation (Lead), Mizuho Bank, Ltd., MUFG Bank, Ltd. 15 Underwriters Jointly managed by an underwriting group of three lead companies: Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley Securities Co.,Ltd., Mizuho Securities Co., Ltd.,Shinkin Securities Co.,Ltd. 16 Depository Japan Securities Depository Center, Inc. 2 569th Corporate Bonds 1 Amount issued 8 billion yen 2 Denominations 1 million yen 3 Coupon rate 1.987% per annum 4 Cost (Issue value) 100 yen per par value of 100 yen 5 Subscriber yield 1.987% per annum 6 Period (payback date) 20 years (May 25, 2044) 7 Payback schedule Lump-sum payment at end of period 8 Interest disbursements May 25 and November 25 of each year 9 Payment receipt date (Issue date) May 22, 2024 10 Subscription accepted from May 16, 2024 11 Subscription procedure Public offering 12 Purpose for funds Equipment funding, payback of loans, payback of corporate bonds, Loan fund for Chubu Electric Power Grid Co., Inc. 13 Security Ordinary security under Electric Utility Industry Law 14 Bond Administrators Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation (Lead), Mizuho Bank, Ltd., MUFG Bank, Ltd. 15 Underwriters Jointly managed by an underwriting group of four lead companies: Mizuho Securities Co., Ltd. Nomura Securities Co.,Ltd., Tokai Tokyo Securities Co., Ltd., Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley Securities Co.,Ltd. 16 Depository Japan Securities Depository Center, Inc.
Partial Revision of Stock Compensation Plan
2024年05月14日 15時00分
Chubu Electric Power today resolved the partial revision ("the revision") of its stock compensation plan ("the plan"), known as board benefit trust (BBT), and decided to submit the revision as described below to the 100th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders ("the Shareholders Meeting") to be held on June 26, 2024. Details 1. Background and purpose of the revision At the 95th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders held on June 26, 2019, the introduction of the plan for the company's directors (excluding outside directors) was approved, and subsequently, at the Board of Directors meeting held on May 8, 2020, the Board of Directors resolved to add additional persons subject to the plan. Thereafter the determination of the maximum number of the company's shares to be granted to directors (excluding outside directors), and the revision of the trust amount (amount of compensation) in accordance with the change in the period of the medium-term management goal as well as the maximum number of the company's shares to be granted to directors (excluding outside directors) were approved, respectively, at the 97th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders held on June 25, 2021 and at the 98th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders held on June 28, 2022.Upon approval at the Shareholders Meeting, Chubu Electric Power will transition to a company with an audit committee system. In order to further raise awareness for contributing to the enhancement of the Group's medium- to long-term corporate value, the company will submit the following proposals to the Shareholders Meeting: the addition of outside directors (excluding those who are members of the Audit and Supervisory Committee) and directors who are members of the Audit and Supervisory Committee to the eligible persons for the plan, the revision of the plan for directors (excluding directors who are members of the Audit and Supervisory Committee) in order to increase the ratio of stock compensation in the total amount of compensation, etc., and the introduction of the plan for directors who are members of the Audit and Supervisory Committee. 2. Details of the revision (underlines indicate the changes from the current plan) Item Before revision After revision Subject executives [Chubu Electric Power] Directors (excluding outside directors), Executive Officers, etc. who do not concurrently serve as directors [Chubu Electric Power Miraiz] Directors (excluding outside directors), Executive Officers, etc. who do not concurrently serve as directors [Chubu Electric Power] Directors (Note), Executive Officers, etc. who do not concurrently serve as directors (Note) Including outside directors (excluding directors who are members of Audit and Supervisory Committee) and directors who are members of Audit and Supervisory Committee. [Chubu Electric Power Miraiz] Directors (Note), Executive Officers, etc. who do not concurrently serve as directors (Note) Including outside directors. Maximum trust amount for the subject period (Note 1) 1.33 billion yen(530 million yen for the company's directors (excluding outside directors)) 2.8 billion yen(900 million yen for the company's directors (excluding directors who are members of the Audit and Supervisory Committee), of which 40 million yen for outside directors, and 80 million yen for directors who are members of the Audit and Supervisory Committee of the company) (Note 2) Number of shares equivalent to the maximum number of points to be granted to directors, etc. during the subject period (Note 1) 1.15 million shares(470,000 shares for the company's directors (excluding outside directors)) 2.43 million shares(800,000 shares for the company's directors (excluding directors who are members of the Audit and Supervisory Committee), of which 40,000 shares for outside directors, and 80,000 shares for directors who are members of the Audit and Supervisory Committee) (Note 3) (Note 1) Four fiscal years from the fiscal year ending March 31, 2023 to the fiscal year ending March 31, 2026 and every four fiscal years thereafter. (Note 2) The maximum amount of additional contribution for the subject period starting from the fiscal year ending March 31, 2023 (hereinafter referred to as "the current subject period") will be 2,065 million yen, including 715 million yen for the company's directors (excluding directors who are members of the Audit and Supervisory Committee), of which 20 million yen for outside directors, and including 40 million yen for directors who are members of the Audit and Supervisory Committee, since the above revision will be made during the term. (Note 3) The number of shares equivalent to the maximum number of points to be granted during the current subject period will be 1,790,000 shares (635,000 shares for the company's directors excluding directors who are members of the Audit Committee, of which 20,000 shares for outside directors, and 40,000 shares for directors who are members of the Audit Committee) because the above revision will be made during the term. (Note 4) Chubu Electric Power Miraiz plans to submit a proposal for this revision to the 5th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders scheduled to be held on June 20, 2024.
Cancellation of Onshore Wind Power Generation Project in Sh…
2024年05月14日 11時00分
Chubu Electric Power Co., Inc. (Head Office: Higashi-ku, Nagoya; President & Director: Kingo Hayashi) and OSCF. Co., Ltd. (Head Office: Minato-ku, Tokyo; Representative Director: Akitoshi Umeda) have decided to cancel the study of an onshore wind power generation project ("the project") in Shinshiro City and Shitara Town, Kitashitara County, Aichi Prefecture, Japan, which had been studied for its development feasibility. In accordance with the Environmental Impact Assessment Act, a document on Primary Environment Impact Consideration for the project was sent to the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, the Governor of Aichi Prefecture, the Mayor of Shinshiro City, the Mayor of Shitara Town, and the Mayor of Toyota City on January 17, 2022. However, as a conclusion of a detailed study based on the results of wind observation in the area where the project is planned to be implemented, it was determined that it would be difficult to ensure sufficient feasibility of the project, and today we submitted a notice of Abandonment of Class-1 Project to the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, the Governor of Aichi Prefecture, the Mayor of Shinshiro City, the Mayor of Shitara Town, and the Mayor of Toyota City in accordance with the Environmental Impact Assessment Act. We would like to again thank the local community and all other stakeholders for their tremendous support and cooperation. Both companies will continuously contribute to the realization of a decarbonized society through their efforts to expand renewable energy.
Chubu Electric Power Completes Acquisition of Shares in the…
2024年05月09日 15時00分
Chubu Electric Power Co., Inc. ("Chubu") has decided to participate in Hollandse Kust West ("HKW") Site VI offshore wind power project ("Project") located approximately 53km off the northwest coast of the Netherlands, which is being developed by Shell plc ("Shell") and N.V. Eneco ("Eneco"), and has entered into an agreement with Eneco to obtain 30% of equity shares of Ecowende C.V. ("Project Company"), the operating company of the Project (as announced on February 2, 2024). Then Chubu completed the acquisition procedures, namely a regulatory approval, and yesterday has officially acquired shares of the Project Company. In December 2022, the consortium between Shell and Eneco acquired the concession right to operate the Project through public tender. The Project Company is planning to construct an offshore wind farm, which can supply 760MW to the Dutch power grid, and will start its commercial operation in 2026. This Project will implement various measures to promote harmony with marine ecosystems. By participating in the Project directly, Chubu expects to acquire experience in the offshore wind power business from the beginning of the construction all the way to operation, as well as knowledge of Ecological Innovation. Chubu intends to apply the experience and knowledge gained through this Project to offshore wind farm projects in Japan and other countries. In Chubu's global business, we will contribute to the realization of a decarbonized society and further increase earnings by building an optimal portfolio that combines the segments of (i) "Green Field" centered on renewable energy, (ii) "Blue Field" in relation to decarbonization, (iii) "Retail, power transmission and distribution, and new services" and (iv) "Frontier Field".
Capital and business alliance on NEWGREEN's low environment…
2024年04月30日 15時00分
Chubu Electric Power and NEWGREEN Inc. (President and CEO: Daisuke Yamanaka; Location: Koganei, Tokyo; hereinafter "NEWGREEN") have agreed to a business alliance to commercialize rice production through direct seeding and water-saving cultivation of paddy rice (hereinafter "the cultivation method"). Today, Chubu Electric Power announced that it has invested approximately 100 million yen in a third-party allotment of new shares conducted by NEWGREEN. NEWGREEN is a group company of SHONAI Inc. (President: Daisuke Yamanaka, Location: Tsuruoka, Yamagata Prefecture). With the mission of "connecting Japanese agriculture with the global green market," NEWGREEN is an agricultural venture that develops and manufactures automatic weed control robots for paddy fields, supports production and distribution of organic rice and low environmental impact rice, as well as develops and sells agricultural materials using unutilized resources. Domestic agriculture, most notably rice cultivation, is now facing a number of social issues, such as the aging and decline of farmers, the occurrence of degraded farmland, and the need to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases, such as methane. NEWGREEN promotes a cultivation method in which seed rice is sown directly and cultivated without water basically until harvest, taking in water and nutrients from rainwater and groundwater through a medium such as mycorrhizal fungi to grow the rice.The cultivation method saves labor for seedling cultivation, rice planting, and water management, which account for approximately 60% of the labor required in conventional cultivation, and significantly improves productivity, leading to the elimination of degraded farmland through farmland accumulation and intensification as well as the reduction of methane emissions close to zero by not applying water. Based on this agreement, Chubu Electric Power, in cooperation with NEWGREEN, will begin a demonstration of the cultivation method in the Chubu area this fiscal year. After establishing a cultivation system over a large area through the demonstration, the company will promote full-scale cultivation from the next fiscal year onward, and expand the production bases through collaboration with producers while aiming to establish supply chains in Japan and overseas. In addition, the two companies will study the creation of new business models that combine the resources and services of each company. Through the production of rice using this highly productive and decarbonizing cultivation method, Chubu Electric Power will build a food infrastructure to solve social issues in the agricultural sector thus contributing to the realization of a sustainable and livable society and the achievement of the SDGs. <Reference> Overview of NEWGREEN Company Name NEWGREEN Inc. (Company name changed from Organic Rice Design, Inc. effective April 1, 2024) Representative Daisuke Yamanaka, Representative Director and CEO Daiki Nakajo, Representative Director and COO Headquarters 101 TUAT-Tama Koganei Venture Port, 2-24-16 Nakacho, Koganei, Tokyo, Japan Capital 1.73208 billion yen Established November 22, 2019 Business Activities Development and manufacture of automatic weeding robots, support for organic rice production, distribution and sales Website NEWGREEN Inc. website
Signing of Loan Agreement in Geretsried Geothermal Project …
2024年04月30日 14時00分
Chubu Electric Power Co., Inc. ("CHUBU"), together with Eavor Technologies Inc. and its German subsidiary Eavor GmbH (collectively, "Eavor"), is developing and constructing the Geretsried Geothermal Project in Bavaria, Germany (the "Project") to supply electricity and district heat through the project company Eavor Erdwärme Geretsried GmbH (Please refer to our press release issued on July 14, 2023). The project company has now entered into a loan agreement for the project financing totaling at around 130 million euro with Japan Bank for International Cooperation, the European Investment Bank, ING Bank N.V., Tokyo Branch, and Mizuho Bank, Ltd. The financing portion of the commercial banks will be insured by Nippon Export and Investment Insurance. This Project will use the Eavor-Loop Technology to drill four closed loops approx. 4,500-5,000 meters deep underground, circulating water in the closed loop to efficiently extract underground heat for electric power generated using an Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) system, and for district heat supply. The construction activities have commenced and drilling of the first loop has started in July 2023, with partial commercial operations expected in 2024. This Project is recognized as an innovative technology to achieve the transition to carbon neutrality and will receive 91.6 million euro grant from the EU Innovation Fund. By participating in the Project, CHUBU will acquire experience and additional knowledge in the geothermal business. At the same time, CHUBU intends to consider the future applications of the Eavor-Loop Technology in Japan. In CHUBU's global business, it will contribute to the realization of a carbon-free society and further increase earnings by optimally combining the four domains of (i) "green" business centered on renewable energy, (ii) "blue" business in relation to de-carbonization, (iii) "retail, power transmission and distribution, and new services" and (iv) "frontier" business.
Conclusion of Comprehensive Collaborative Agreement for Rea…
2024年04月30日 14時00分
Chubu Electric Power Co., Inc. (President & Director: Kingo Hayashi, hereinafter "Chubu Electric Power") and Mie Prefectural Credit Federation of Agricultural Cooperatives (President: Masaki Naito, hereinafter "JA Mie Shinren") concluded "Comprehensive Collaborative Agreement for Realization of Decarbonized Society in Food and Agriculture Sector in Mie Prefecture" (hereinafter "the agreement") on March 29, 2024. As an initiative under the agreement, the two parties today also signed a loan agreement for the agrivoltaics project planned by Chubu Electric Power through its operating companies at seven sites in Mie Prefecture. One of the sites has been under construction since April 22, 2024, and plans for the other sites will be progressed in sequence.This will be the first time that the two parties have collaborated on the agrivoltaics project. Based on the agreement, the two parties will leverage their respective knowledge and strengths to collaborate in solving regional issues and promoting and revitalizing the region, thereby contributing to the realization of a decarbonized society in the food and agriculture sector in Mie Prefecture. 1.Collaboration subjects in the agreement (1) Actions toward the realization of a decarbonized society (2) Promotion of energy solutions (3) Development of sustainable agriculture (4) Exercise of agricultural financial functions(5) Other items that are consistent with the purpose of the agreement [The signing ceremony of the agreement] From left, Atsuhiro Horiuchi: Representative Director & Senior Managing Director, General Manager of Operations Headquarters, JA Mie ShinrenYoshiki Mizuguchi: Executive Officer of Chubu Electric Power, General Manager of Project Promotion Department, Renewable Energy Company 2.Overview of agrivoltaics project Power station Yokkaichi Suizawa Higashi Agri-Solar (tentative name) and 6 other sites Location 5 sites in Yokkaichi, 1 site in Tsu, and 1 site in Suzuka, Mie Prefecture Power output Total 2,139 kW Estimated annual power output Approximately 3.48 million kWh (equivalent to approximately 881 ordinary households) Construction start date April to September 2024 Scheduled start of operation June to December 2024 Design and construction contractor Eco Smile Co. (Representative Director: Akifumi Higashida) Agricultural administrator Saino Sakaki Corporation (Representative Director: Koji Sato) Crops Sakaki (sacred Shinto tree) Agricultural land area Total 3.3 ha
Assisting Intervention in Shareholders' Derivative Lawsuit
2024年04月26日 17時30分
Chubu Electric Power has received a notice of lawsuit ("the lawsuit") filed on April 19, 2024 by three individual shareholders of the company ("the plaintiffs") against 14 of its current and former directors ("the defendants"), demanding compensation for damages (notified on the same date). Today, the company decided to make an assisting intervention for the defendant in the lawsuit, and obtained the approval of all corporate auditors. Details are provided below. 1. Reason for the assisting intervention Chubu Electric Power has made no agreement with The Kansai Electric Power Co., Inc. that restricts business activities, and there exists differences in fact-finding and legal interpretation with the Japan Fair Trade Commission (JFTC). The company has thus filed a revocation action (Press release issued on September 25, 2023), and has judged that the plaintiff's claim premised on the JFTC's finding is groundless. The company has judged that it needs to appropriately counter the plaintiff's claims by getting involved in the proceedings of the lawsuit as an assisting intervenor, and demand a fair judicial decision. 2. Future response Announcements will be made promptly in the wake of any additional matters that should be disclosed as to this lawsuit.
Initiatives for Achieving Medium-term Management Plan and R…
2024年04月26日 16時00分
In its medium-term management plan announced in 2022, the Chubu Electric Power Group has set medium-term management targets for FY2025 as an intermediate point up to Management Vision 2.0.We have now compiled the initiatives to achieve the medium-term management plan and the review of management targets. For details, please refer to the document "Chubu Electric Power Group's Initiatives for Achieving Medium-term Management Plan and Reevaluation of Management Targets".
Memorandum of Understanding for commercialization of compac…
2024年04月24日 14時00分
Toyo Engineering Corporation (President & CEO: Eiji Hosoi, hereinafter "TOYO"), Nippon Seisen Co.,Ltd. (President and CEO: Kazuhiro Toshimitsu, hereinafter "Nippon Seisen"), Chubu Electric Power Co., Inc. (President & Director: Kingo Hayashi, hereinafter "Chubu Electric Power") and Chubu Electric Power Miraiz Co., Inc. (President: Hironori Kamiya; hereinafter "Miraiz") have concluded a Memorandum of Understanding (hereinafter "MOU") to jointly study the commercialization of a compact ammonia cracking system (hereinafter "the system") to produce hydrogen from ammonia for the purpose of further utilization of hydrogen. In order to achieve carbon neutrality in 2050, factories and commercial facilities are required to convert their conventional fossil fuel to decarbonized fuels (ammonia, hydrogen, etc.). Among decarbonized fuels, hydrogen has a higher combustion temperature than ammonia, and also its use as a fuel for small boilers, engines, etc. is expanding.Compared to hydrogen on the other hand, ammonia, since its transport and storage technologies are well established, is expected to play a role as a hydrogen carrier for transporting large quantities of hydrogen. Given these factors, we believe that the need for ammonia-derived hydrogen will increase in the future. TOYO and Nippon Seisen have long been involved in the development of compact system to produce hydrogen from ammonia at customers' premises. Under this MOU, Chubu Electric Power and Miraiz will conduct market research and economic evaluation on the system, as well as study the technical requirements necessary for its commercialization. Taking these into account, TOYO and Nippon Seisen will proceed with this development, and the four companies will jointly conduct a demonstration test at the customer's premises, aiming for the first practical application of the system in Japan. The four companies will contribute to the realization of a carbon-neutral society by facilitating customers' efforts to decarbonize their businesses through solutions to issues related to the further utilization of hydrogen.
Receipt of Lawsuit Notice Concerning Shareholders' Derivati…
2024年04月19日 16時00分
Chubu Electric Power today received a lawsuit notice that three individual shareholders of the company filed a shareholders' derivative lawsuit against 14 current and former directors of the company. Details are provided below. This action is the same as the shareholders' derivative lawsuit in which the company received a lawsuit notice on December 26, 2023 (notified on the same date), but was brought by three other individual shareholders. 1. Plaintiff Three individual shareholders of the company 2. Defendant (1) Four current directors Satoru Katsuno, Kingo Hayashi, Hitoshi Mizutani, Takayuki Hashimoto (2) Ten former directors Akihisa Mizuno, Yoshinori Masuda, Akinori Kataoka, Chiyoji Kurata, Satoshi Onoda, Hiromu Masuda, Taisuke Misawa, Yaoji Ichikawa, Shinya Otani, Naoko Nemoto 3. Outline of the lawsuit In relation to the Japan Fair Trade Commission ("JFTC") finding Chubu Electric Power to have committed conduct that violates Article 3 of the Antimonopoly Act which prohibits unreasonable restraint of trade ("the conduct"), the plaintiff demands the 14 defendants jointly pay a total of approximately 37.6 billion yen in damages as well as damages for delayed payment thereof by citing failure to maintain duty of care (e.g., negligence in being involved with or acquiescing in the conduct). 4. Public notice Chubu Electric Power plans to issue an electronic public notice as follows:Chubu Electric Power hereby gives public notice in accordance with Article 849, paragraph 5 of the Companies Act, as the company received notice of the shareholders' derivative lawsuit on April 19, 2024, filed by three individual shareholders at the Nagoya District Court (Case number: 2024 (wa) 694) against 14 current and former directors of the company, demanding compensation for damages. 5. Impact on business Currently, the business of Chubu Electric Power has not experienced any major impact from the lawsuit. 6. Future response Chubu Electric Power will consider its response to the lawsuit based on the content of the Lawsuit Notice.
Business alliance agreement with Welby for promotion of PHR…
2024年04月10日 15時30分
Chubu Electric Power today announced an agreement with Welby Inc. (President: Takeru Hiki, hereinafter "Welby") to form a business alliance for the development and dissemination of personal healthcare applications and services for medical institutions. Under the agreement, the company will sell a majority stake in its subsidiary Medical Data Card Inc. (CEO: Yasuyuki Suzuki, hereinafter "MeDaCa") to Welby, and will acquire a portion of Welby's shares by subscribing to a third-party allotment of new shares. In addition, the company will also sell a portion of its MeDaCa shares to Suzuken Co., Ltd. (President: Shigeru Asano, hereinafter "Suzuken"), an equity method affiliate of Welby, which has concluded a business alliance with the company (Press release issued on March 28, 2023). The three companies will then be able to jointly develop healthcare services to provide new value to the community. Chubu Electric Power is developing and deploying healthcare services such as MeDaCa healthcare service and eFrail Navi, which detects people with frail conditions by analyzing electricity data and notifies local governments and community health nurses, etc., so that people can continue to live safely in their communities even as the birthrate declines and the aging population advances. Welby has been a leading Personal Health Record ("PHR") service provider since 2011, offering a variety of PHR services such as "Welby My Chart" for patients with lifestyle-related diseases, and promoting social implementation of PHR in the public and private sectors through the activities of PHR Service Business Association, which Welby participated in establishing and serves as an executive officer. The Suzuken Group supports the smooth sharing of patient information, etc. across occupational boundaries and facilities among the 200,000 medical and nursing care professionals who use the SNS "Medical Care Station," and also provides one-stop treatment support solutions that deliver information on digital services, products, etc. from collaborating companies to physicians and pharmaceutical companies through the "COLLABO Portal," a medical DX platform. In the future, Chubu Electric Power together with Welby and Suzuken, aims to establish a system centered on Welby's PHR service that can provide a series of healthcare services to customers, medical institutions, and local governments by combining the services of the companies, and at the same time, the three companies will work together to provide new value through the creation of a "medical platform" by making maximum use of our contacts with customers and Suzuken's contacts with medical institutions and medical care providers.
Capital Alliance for Plant Resource Recycling Business Prom…
2024年04月05日 15時00分
Chubu Electric Power Co., Inc. (Representative Director and President: Kingo Hayashi, "Chubu Electric Power") and Green Earth Co., Ltd. (President: Masashi Ishii, "Green Earth") have decided to form a capital alliance to promote resource recycling business related to plant resources.Chubu Electric Power will acquire 35 percent of Green Earth's issued and outstanding shares, making Green Earth its affiliate company. Chubu Electric Power has been promoting various initiatives in the resource recycling business to realize "optimal recycling of energy and resources" and "safe and secure lifestyles," including biogas power generation to effectively utilize unused local resources (waste material), construction of plastic recycling facilities, and reviewing plans to upgrade waste treatment facilities in cooperation with the public and private sectors. Under the slogan of Evoluting Green, Green Earth is developing resource recycling businesses related to plant resources, including a plant resource material recycling business (shredding, sorting, and selling chips of pruned branches and logged trees), a landscaping, civil engineering and logging business, and a slope protection business (multi-spread method), mainly in Chiba Prefecture. In addition, Green Earth has been selected by New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) for "Energy Forest Project," a project to demonstrate the development and use of new fuel potential (fast-growing trees, etc.) since 2023, and is engaged in research and development that will contribute to a stable supply of future decarbonized energy. The two companies will further promote efforts to realize optimal recycling of energy and resources by mutually combining the Chubu Electric Group's knowledge and extensive network in the energy field and Green Earth's abundant experience and knowledge in recycling plant resources. <Corporate Profile> Chubu Electric Power Co., Inc. Established May 1951 Headquarters 1 Higashi-shincho, Higashi-ku, Nagoya-shi, Aichi Prefecture Representative Hayashi Kingo, President & Director Capital 430.7 billion yen Business Activities Renewable energy business, nuclear power business, overseas operations, community support infrastructure-related operations, etc. Green Earth Co., Ltd. Established April 2003 (Founded: June 2001) Headquarters 3-21-1 Horinouchi, Ichikawa City, Chiba Prefecture Representative Masashi Ishii, President Capital 50 million yen Business Activities Plant resource recycling business, landscaping, civil engineering and logging business, slope protection business, etc.
Issuing 566th Corporate Bonds and 567th Corporate Bonds
2024年04月04日 15時00分
Chubu Electric Power has decided to 566th corporate bonds and 567th corporate bonds, the offering period of which has begun today. The following is an overview of issue conditions. Details 1 566th Corporate Bonds 1 Amount issued 35 billion yen 2 Denominations 1 million yen 3 Coupon rate 1.071% per annum 4 Cost (Issue value) 100 yen per par value of 100 yen 5 Subscriber yield 1.071% per annum 6 Period (payback date) 10 years (April 25, 2034) 7 Payback schedule Lump-sum payment at end of period 8 Interest disbursements April 25 and October 25 of each year 9 Payment receipt date (Issue date) April 10, 2024 10 Subscription accepted from April 4, 2024 11 Subscription procedure Public offering 12 Purpose for funds Equipment funding, payback of loans, payback of corporate bonds, Loan fund for Chubu Electric Power Grid Co., Inc. 13 Security Ordinary security under Electric Utility Industry Law 14 Bond Administrators Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation (Lead), Mizuho Bank, Ltd., MUFG Bank, Ltd. 15 Underwriters Jointly managed by an underwriting group of four lead companies: Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley Securities Co.,Ltd., SMBC Nikko Securities Inc., Nomura Securities Co.,Ltd., Mizuho Securities Co., Ltd. 16 Depository Japan Securities Depository Center, Inc. 2 567th Corporate Bonds 1 Amount issued 10 billion yen 2 Denominations 1 million yen 3 Coupon rate 1.789% per annum 4 Cost (Issue value) 100 yen per par value of 100 yen 5 Subscriber yield 1.789% per annum 6 Period (payback date) 20 years (April 25, 2044) 7 Payback schedule Lump-sum payment at end of period 8 Interest disbursements April 25 and October 25 of each year 9 Payment receipt date (Issue date) April 10, 2024 10 Subscription accepted from April 4, 2024 11 Subscription procedure Public offering 12 Purpose for funds Equipment funding, payback of loans, payback of corporate bonds, Loan fund for Chubu Electric Power Grid Co., Inc. 13 Security Ordinary security under Electric Utility Industry Law 14 Bond Administrators Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation (Lead), Mizuho Bank, Ltd., MUFG Bank, Ltd. 15 Underwriters Jointly managed by an underwriting group of four lead companies: Daiwa Securities Co., Ltd., Nomura Securities Co.,Ltd., Tokai Tokyo Securities Co., Ltd.,SMBC Nikko Securities Inc. 16 Depository Japan Securities Depository Center, Inc.
Result of Selection of Public Researches Concerning Nuclear…
2024年04月04日 14時00分
Chubu Electric Power is pleased to announce that we have selected a proposal that was submitted in response to a public call for research proposals on nuclear power set to start in FY2024. From November 17, 2023 to January 10, 2024, Chubu Electric Power called for research topics to introduce fresh perspectives in finding a wide range of technologies to further improve the safety and operations at Hamaoka Nuclear Power Station. (Press release issued on November 17, 2023) A total of 42 themes were submitted from across the nation. Ten research themes have been subsequently chosen through a screening process involving an advisory committee of external academics and experts. Areas of research advertised for Applied researches Selected researches Area 1 Research on basic foundation contributing to future technology of nuclear power 19 5 Area 2 Research contributing to improvement of safety of nuclear power stations 14 3 Area 3 Research contributing to improvement of decommissioning of Hamaoka Nuclear Power Station Units 1 and 2 5 1 Area 4 Research contributing to conservativeness and workability of Hamaoka Nuclear Power Station Units 3, 4 and 5 4 1 Total 42 10 The chosen studies will be conducted through to the end of FY2025, with research results to be released upon completion.
Hamaoka Nuclear Power Station's FY2024 Schedule for Transpo…
2024年03月29日 14時00分
Chubu Electric Power would like to announce that the transportation of new fuel, spent fuel, and low-level radioactive waste from the Hamaoka Nuclear Power Station for the fiscal year 2024 is scheduled as follows. Please note that these transports are the current schedule and are subject to change. 1 New fuel No plans for transportation 2 Spent fuel No plans for transportation 3 Low-level radioactive waste Station name Quantity of transportation Timing of transportation Receiving facility Hamaoka Nuclear Power Station 150 transport containers (1,200 drums) February 2025 Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Center, Japan Nuclear Fuel Limited
Capital and Business Alliance with Singaporean Mobility Sta…
2024年03月28日 14時00分
Chubu Electric Power announces that it has agreed to a business alliance with SWAT Mobility Pte. Ltd. (Executive Chairman: Arthur Chua, hereinafter "SWAT"), a Singapore-based mobility startup company, for the development of services in the mobility field. After completing the prescribed procedures, the company will underwrite a portion of the third-party allotment of new shares conducted by SWAT and acquire such shares by the end of April 2024. SWAT possesses the proprietary of advanced AI technology referred to as dynamic routing algorithm, which automatically creates efficient routes for people and goods with the minimum number of vehicles, and provides bus route traffic analysis systems, on-demand traffic operation systems, and logistics delivery optimization systems to nine countries worldwide, including Japan. Through this capital and business alliance, Chubu Electric Power will accelerate the development of new solution services that combine the technologies and services of both companies, such as SWAT's algorithms and OPCAT of our optimal charging management system for commercial Electric Vehicles ("EVs"), in order to contribute to the decarbonization of society and customers through the spread of EVs toward the achievement of carbon neutrality by 2050. The investment will be made from Chubu Electric Power Community Support Fund 2, a corporate venture capital established in November 2023 as an internal fund to speed up investment in venture companies with cutting-edge technologies and innovative business models as well as venture investment funds. <Reference> Overview of SWAT Company Name SWAT Mobility Pte. Ltd. Representative Arthur Chua, Executive Chairman Headquarters 47 Scotts Road,Goldbell Towers,Singapore Capital 28 million Singapore dollar Established November 2015 Business Activities Providing traffic analysis systems, on-demand traffic operation systems, and logistics delivery optimization systems that utilize dynamic routing algorithms. Website SWAT Mobility Pte. Ltd. website
Comprehensive Collaboration Agreement for Realization of Sm…
2024年03月28日 12時00分
Kuwana City (Mayor: Narutaka Ito) and Chubu Electric Power Co., Inc. (President: Kingo Hayashi, "Chubu Electric Power") today signed a comprehensive collaboration agreement (“the agreement") to realize a smart city (Note). Kuwana City, as a basic municipality, has been working on various measures through public-private partnerships under the Kuwana Open Field concept, aiming to transform itself into a "smart city" that realizes civil services adapted to contemporary times, in order to fulfill its social role and mission to meet diversifying needs and realize the well-being of its citizens on a sustainable basis.Chubu Electric Power, as a company rooted in the Chubu area and growing together with the region and society, is working to provide a variety of new services in addition to energy services, aiming to create a "new form of community" where people can enjoy a safe, secure, and convenient lifestyle, in order to continue to grow sustainably together with the customers. Based on the agreement, the two parties will work together to study mainly on the following issues with the aim of realizing Kuwana City as a smart city. 1. Planning for a convenient and smart city connected by data 2. City development to achieve a decarbonized society 3. Community development utilizing local attractions4. Other issues necessary to achieve the objectives of the agreement Through the efforts based on the agreement, the two parties will accumulate know-how to respond to social changes and the unique characteristics of each region, enhance the well-being of citizens' lives, and contribute to the sustainable growth of the Chubu area as an advanced model. (Note) A sustainable city that continues to create new value and solve various urban and regional issues through advanced management and the use of new technologies such as ICT. (From left, Hisanori Ito, Executive Vice President and Director, Chubu Electric Power, and Narutaka Ito, Mayor of Kuwana City)
Recruitment Plan for FY2025
2024年03月27日 16時00分
Three Chubu Electric Power companies, including Chubu Electric Power Grid and Chubu Electric Power Miraiz (the "Companies") have compiled our recruitment plan for FY2025 (Note). The Companies have decided to hire a total of 660 employees, both regular and career hires, in the recruitment plan for FY2025 in order to strengthen the management foundation and steadily implement each business plan toward the realization of Chubu Electric Power Group Management Vision 2.0 formulated in November 2021. In light of changes in the business environment, such as the transition to a decarbonized society and the progress of Digital Transformation ("DX"), we plan to hire 445 regular employees (up 5 from the previous year) from the perspective of securing personnel over the medium and long term to simultaneously achieve our "unchanging mission" of delivering high-quality energy in a safe, affordable and stable manner and "creating new value" by solving regional and social issues. Regarding career hires, we plan to hire 215 new employees (up 55 from the previous year), mainly to secure human resources with immediate skills to work in new growth areas such as renewable energy business including offshore wind power, further expansion of global business, and acceleration of DX promotion, as well as to diversify human resources and upgrade operations in management divisions such as human resources and accounting. We will continue to promote our human resources strategy and achieve sustainable growth by utilizing the respective characteristics of regular and career hires to continuously and timely recruit the human resources needed for the growth and transformation of our group. (Note) The recruitment plan for FY2025 consists of regular hires scheduled to join in April 2025 and career hires scheduled to join during FY2024. [Number of planned hires] Category Plan for FY2025 (announced at this time) Plan for FY2024 (announced in 2023) Regular hires Clerical position 95 personnel 90personnel Technical position 350personnel 350personnel Subtotal 445personnel 440personnel Career hires 215personnel 160personnel Total 660personnel 600personnel
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