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前立腺がん治療剤XTANDI<sup>®</sup> 中国で適応追加に関する承…link.gif 2024年07月01日 23時30分

-中国における進行性前立腺がんの3番目の適応症の取得–- 転移性ホルモン感受性前立腺がん、非転移性去勢抵抗性前立腺がん、転移性去勢抵抗性前立腺がんを適応とする中国における唯一のホルモン治療剤 - アステラス製薬株式会社(本社:東京、代表取締役社長CEO:岡村 直樹、以下「アステラス製薬」)は、経口アンドロゲン受容体阻害剤であるXTANDI®(一般名:エンザルタミド)について、中国国家薬品監督管理局(National Medical Products Administration:NMPA)の医薬品評価センター(Center for Drug Evaluation:CDE)が転移性ホルモン感受性前立腺がん(metastatic Hormone-Sensitive Prostate Cancer:mHSPC)の適応追加に関して承認したことを、お知らせします。 本承認取得は、グローバルで実施した第III相ARCHES試験、およびChina ARCHES試験の結果に基づいています。China ARCHES試験はグローバルで実施したARCHES試験のブリッジング試験であり、代替エンドポイントとして前立腺特異抗原(Prostate Specific Antigen:PSA)増悪までの時間を使用しました。China ARCHES試験では、中国本土のmHSPCの患者180人が登録され、エンザルタミド+アンドロゲン除去療法(ADT)群(エンザルタミド群)、プラセボ+ADT群(プラセボ群)のいずれかに無作為に割り付けられました。主要評価項目においてエンザルタミド群は、プラセボ群と比較して、PSA増悪のリスクを87%低減し、統計学的に有意な改善が認められました(ハザード比=0.130、[95%信頼区間:0.076,0.222]、p<0.0001)。また、副次的評価項目も達成し、画像診断による無増悪生存期間(radiographic Progression-Free Survival:rPFS)、去勢抵抗性を示すまでにかかる時間(Time To Castration Resistance:TTCR)、およびPSAが検出されない患者の割合の増加が認められました。この結果は、グローバルで実施した第III相ARCHESの結果と同様でした1。また、今回のChina ARCHES試験におけるエンザルタミドの安全性は、既知の安全性プロファイルと同様でした。これらの結果を踏まえた今回の追加適応は、より早期でのXTANDIの使用を支持しています1,2。 アステラス製薬は、新たな治療選択肢を患者さんに提供することで、アンメットメディカルニーズの高い前立腺がんの治療に一層の貢献をしていきます。 本件によるアステラス製薬の業績への影響は、通期(2025年3月期)連結業績予想に織り込み済みです。 より詳細な情報については、プレスリリース「前立腺がん治療剤XTANDI® 中国国家薬品監督管理局の医薬品評価センターが適応追加に関する承認申請を受理」(2023年9月開示)および「前立腺がん治療剤XTANDI® 第III相China ARCHES試験の主要評価項目を達成」(2023年3月開示)をご覧ください。以上転移性ホルモン感受性前立腺がん(metastatic Hormone-Sensitive Prostate Cancer:mHSPC)について中国では、前立腺がんは男性の泌尿器に関連するがんの中で最も一般的です3。また、男性において世界で2番目に多いがんです4。前立腺がんは、前立腺以外の部位(リンパ節、骨、肺、肝臓など)に広がると転移性と見なされます5。テストステロンレベルを下げるための内科的または外科的治療に効果がみられる場合、ホルモン(または去勢)感受性であると見なされます6。ADTによるmHSPCの治療を開始した男性の生存期間の中央値は約3~4年です7。China ARCHES試験についてChina ARCHES試験(NCT04076059)は、多施設、二重盲検無作為化、プラセボ対照第III相試験で、中国本土の30カ所で転移性HSPCの中国人被験者180人が登録されました。被験者は、毎日エンザルタミド160 mgまたはプラセボを投与され、さらに黄体形成ホルモン放出ホルモン(LHRH)アゴニストまたはアンタゴニストを継続するか、または両側精巣摘除術の既往がある患者に無作為に割り付けられました。この試験の主要評価項目は、前立腺特異抗原(PSA)が増悪するまでの時間であり、PSAの増悪は最下点(ベースライン後に観察された最低PSA値またはベースライン値)から25%以上かつ絶対値として2 μg/L(2 ng/mL)以上の増加として定義し、少なくとも3週間以上の間隔で、連続した2回の測定値によって確認しています。副次評価項目には、画像診断による無増悪生存期間(rPFS)、最初の症候性骨関連事象(SSE)までの時間、去勢抵抗性までの時間、PSA反応(≧50%)、PSA反応(≧90%)、PSA検出不能率(ベースラインで検出可能なPSA(≧0.2 ng/mL)を有し、かつ試験治療中に検出不能(<0.2 ng/mL)となる患者の割合)、新しい抗悪性腫瘍療法の開始までの時間、客観的奏効率(ORR)などがあります。XTANDI®(エンザルタミド)についてXTANDI®はアンドロゲン受容体阻害薬であり、転移性去勢感受性前立腺がん(metastatic Castration-Sensitive Prostate Cancer:mCSPC)、または転移性ホルモン感受性前立腺がん(metastatic Hormone-Sensitive Prostate Cancer:mHSPC)としても知られる)、転移性去勢抵抗性前立腺がん(mCRPC)、および非転移性去勢抵抗性前立腺がん(nmCRPC)のいずれか一つ以上の適応症に関して,米国、欧州、日本を含む90カ国以上で承認を取得しています。XTANDI®は進行性前立腺がんの標準治療として確立されており、これまでに100万人以上の患者に処方されています8。また、日本においても去勢抵抗性前立腺癌および遠隔転移を有する前立腺癌の治療薬として承認されています。アステラス製薬株式会社についてアステラス製薬は、世界70カ国以上で事業活動を展開している製薬企業です。最先端のバイオロジーやモダリティ/テクノロジーの組み合わせを駆使し、アンメットメディカルニーズの高い疾患に対する革新的な医薬品の創出に取り組んでいます(Focus Areaアプローチ)。さらに、医療用医薬品(Rx)事業で培った強みをベースに、最先端の医療技術と異分野のパートナーの技術を融合した製品やサービス(Rx+®)の創出にも挑戦しています。アステラス製薬は、変化する医療の最先端に立ち、科学の進歩を患者さんの「価値」に変えていきます。アステラス製薬の詳細については、(https://www.astellas.com/jp/)をご覧ください。注意事項このプレスリリースに記載されている現在の計画、予想、戦略、想定に関する記述およびその他の過去の事実ではない記述は、アステラス製薬の業績等に関する将来の見通しです。これらの記述は経営陣の現在入手可能な情報に基づく見積りや想定によるものであり、既知および未知のリスクと不確実な要素を含んでいます。さまざまな要因によって、これら将来の見通しは実際の結果と大きく異なる可能性があります。その要因としては、(i)医薬品市場における事業環境の変化および関係法規制の改正、(ii)為替レートの変動、(iii)新製品発売の遅延、(iv)新製品および既存品の販売活動において期待した成果を得られない可能性、(v)競争力のある新薬を継続的に生み出すことができない可能性、(vi)第三者による知的財産の侵害等がありますが、これらに限定されるものではありません。また、このプレスリリースに含まれている医薬品(開発中のものを含む)に関する情報は、宣伝広告、医学的アドバイスを目的としているものではありません。参考文献Armstrong AJ, et al. ARCHES: A Randomized, Phase III Study of Androgen Deprivation Therapy With Enzalutamide or Placebo in Men With Metastatic Hormone-Sensitive Prostate Cancer. J Clin Oncol. 2019;37(32):2974-2986.Zhou F, et al. 1795P China ARCHES: A multicenter phase III randomized double-blind placebo (PBO)-controlled efficacy and safety trial of enzalutamide (ENZA) + androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) vs PBO + ADT in Chinese patients (pts) with metastatic hormone-sensitive prostate cancer (mHSPC). Ann Oncol. 2023;34 (supplement 2):s971.Chinese guidelines for diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer 2018. Chin J Cancer Res. 2019;31(1):67–83.Rawla P. Epidemiology of Prostate Cancer. World J Oncol. 2019;10(2):63-89.Cancer Research UK. What is metastatic prostate cancer? (02-2023). https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/prostate-cancer/metastatic-cancer/what-is-metastatic-prostate-cancer. Accessed: July 1, 2024.Canadian Cancer Society. Treatments for metastatic castration-sensitive prostate cancer. (02-2021). https://cancer.ca/en/cancer-information/cancer-types/prostate/treatment/metastatic-castration-sensitive. Accessed: July 1, 2024.Mottet N, et al. Updated Guidelines for Metastatic Hormone-sensitive Prostate Cancer: Abiraterone Acetate Combined with Castration Is Another Standard. Eur Urol. 2018;3:316-321.Astellas. Data on file. XTANDI patient. January 2023. 

China’s National Medical Products Administration Approves X…link.gif 2024年07月01日 23時30分

- Approval marks XTANDI’s third indication for advanced prostate cancer in China -- Approval based on positive results from Phase 3 global ARCHES and China ARCHES studies showing XTANDI plus androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) significantly delays time to PSA progression compared to placebo plus ADT -TOKYO, July 2, 2024 – Astellas Pharma Inc. (TSE: 4503, President and CEO: Naoki Okamura, “Astellas”) today announced that the Center for Drug Evaluation (CDE) of the China National Medical Products Administration (NMPA) has approved XTANDI® (enzalutamide) for the treatment of patients with metastatic hormone-sensitive prostate cancer (mHSPC).The approval is based on positive results from the Phase 3 global ARCHES and China ARCHES studies. China ARCHES used a surrogate endpoint (time to PSA progression) to bridge to the global ARCHES study results. In the China ARCHES study, 180 Chinese patients with mHSPC in mainland China were randomized to receive XTANDI plus ADT or placebo plus ADT. Results show XTANDI plus ADT significantly reduced the risk of PSA progression by 87% vs placebo plus ADT (HR 0.130 [95%CI 0.076,0.222]; P<0.0001). Radiographic progression free survival (rPFS), time to castration resistance (TTCR), and PSA undetectable rate were among the secondary endpoints improved with XTANDI in combination with ADT compared to placebo plus ADT. These findings again show consistent positive results for XTANDI in line with those in Astellas’ global Phase 3 ARCHES study. In China ARCHES, the safety of XTANDI plus ADT was consistent with the known safety profile for the medication. Overall, these findings support the earlier usage of XTANDI in this treatment setting.1,2Professor Dingwei Ye, Principal Expert of Prostate Cancer, Fudan University-affiliated Cancer Hospital:“Prostate cancer is the most common tumor in male genitourinary cancers in China. Currently, the mortality-to-incidence ratio of prostate cancer in China is higher than that in developed countries. In addition to further improving the disease diagnosis rate of prostate cancer, there is an urgent clinical need for new treatment options that can slow the progression of the disease while further enhancing the overall survival for Chinese patients.”Prof. Zhou Fangjian, Principal Expert of Prostate Cancer, Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Center, Sun Yat-sen University:“With the approval of the mHSPC indication, enzalutamide has become the only novel hormone therapy drug that covers chemotherapy naïve mCRPC, nmCRPC and mHSPC, providing strong support to the comprehensive disease management for the vast number of advanced Chinese prostate cancer patients. Most importantly, the China ARCHES study is currently the only Phase 3 clinical trial conducted specifically for Chinese patients, and its results have provided definitive clinical evidence for Chinese clinicians in the treatment of advanced prostate cancer.”Ahsan Arozullah, MD, MPH, Senior Vice President and Head of Oncology Development, Astellas:"We now have compelling, consistent efficacy data for XTANDI in mHSPC across three large Phase 3 trials – ENZAMET, global ARCHES and China ARCHES which have supported approvals around the world. Astellas is deeply committed to bringing XTANDI to those who need it. This approval by the NMPA expands access to a much-needed treatment option for those facing advanced prostate cancer in China."Astellas has already reflected the impact from this approval for XTANDI in China in its financial forecast for the current fiscal year ending March 31, 2025.For more information, please see the press releases “China’s National Medical Products Administration Accepts New Drug Application for XTANDI® (enzalutamide) in Metastatic Hormone-Sensitive Prostate Cancer” issued on September 19, 2023, and “Astellas Announces Phase 3 China ARCHES Study of XTANDI® Meets Primary Endpoint” issued on March 14, 2023.About Metastatic Hormone-Sensitive Prostate CancerIn China, prostate cancer is the most common tumor in male genitourinary cancers.3 It is the second most common cancer in men worldwide.4 Prostate cancer is considered metastatic once it has spread outside of the prostate gland to other parts of the body, such as distant lymph nodes, bones, lungs, and liver.5 Men are considered hormone- (or castration-) sensitive if their disease still responds to medical or surgical treatment to lower testosterone levels.6 Metastatic hormone-sensitive prostate cancer (mHSPC) has a median survival of approximately 3-4 years for men starting treatment with ADT.7About global ARCHESThe Phase 3, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multi-national trial enrolled 1,150 patients with metastatic hormone-sensitive prostate cancer (mHSPC) at sites in the United States, Canada, Europe, South America and the Asia-Pacific region. Patients in the ARCHES trial were randomized to receive XTANDI 160 mg daily or placebo and continued on a luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) agonist or antagonist or had a history of bilateral orchiectomy. The ARCHES trial included patients with both low- and high-volume disease and both newly diagnosed patients with mHSPC and patients who had prior definitive therapy and subsequently developed metastatic disease. The trial also included some patients who had received recent treatment with docetaxel for mHSPC, but whose disease had not progressed. The primary endpoint of the trial was radiographic progression-free survival (rPFS), defined as the time from randomization to the first objective evidence of radiographic disease progression as assessed by central review, or death within 24 weeks of treatment discontinuation.For more information on the global ARCHES trial, go to www.clinicaltrials.gov.About the China ARCHES TrialThe company-sponsored, multicenter, Phase 3, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled China ARCHES trial (NCT04076059) enrolled 180 Chinese patients with metastatic hormone-sensitive prostate cancer (mHSPC) across 30 sites in mainland China. Patients in the trial were randomized to receive XTANDI 160 mg daily or placebo and continued on a luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) agonist or antagonist or had a history of bilateral orchiectomy. The primary endpoint of the trial was time to prostate-specific antigen (PSA) progression (TTPP), defined as a ≥ 25% increase and an absolute increase of ≥ 2 ng/mL above the nadir, which is confirmed by a second consecutive value at least 3 weeks later. Secondary endpoints include radiographic progression-free survival (rPFS), time to first Symptomatic Skeletal Event (SSE), time to castration resistance, PSA response (≥ 50%), PSA response (≥ 90%), time to initiation of new antineoplastic therapy, PSA undetectable rate, which is defined as the percentage of subjects with detectable (≥ 0.2 ng/mL) PSA at baseline, which becomes undetectable (< 0.2 ng/mL) during study treatment, and objective response rate (ORR).For more information on the China ARCHES trial, go to www.clinicaltrials.gov.About XTANDI™ (enzalutamide)XTANDI (enzalutamide) is an androgen receptor signaling [or signaling] inhibitor. XTANDI is a standard of care and has received regulatory approvals in one or more countries around the world for use in men with metastatic hormone-sensitive prostate cancer (mHSPC), metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC), non-metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (nmCRPC) and non-metastatic hormone-sensitive prostate cancer (nmHSPC) with high-risk biochemical recurrence (BCR). XTANDI is currently approved for one or more of these indications in more than 90 countries, including in the United States, European Union and Japan. Over one million patients have been treated with XTANDI globally.8Important Safety InformationFor Important Safety Information for enzalutamide please see the Package Insert.About AstellasAstellas Pharma Inc. is a pharmaceutical company conducting business in more than 70 countries around the world. We are promoting the Focus Area Approach that is designed to identify opportunities for the continuous creation of new drugs to address diseases with high unmet medical needs by focusing on Biology and Modality. Furthermore, we are also looking beyond our foundational Rx focus to create Rx+® healthcare solutions that combine our expertise and knowledge with cutting-edge technology in different fields of external partners. Through these efforts, Astellas stands on the forefront of healthcare change to turn innovative science into VALUE for patients. For more information, please visit our website at https://www.astellas.com/en.Cautionary NotesIn this press release, statements made with respect to current plans, estimates, strategies and beliefs and other statements that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements about the future performance of Astellas. These statements are based on management’s current assumptions and beliefs in light of the information currently available to it and involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties. A number of factors could cause actual results to differ materially from those discussed in the forward-looking statements. Such factors include, but are not limited to: (i) changes in general economic conditions and in laws and regulations, relating to pharmaceutical markets, (ii) currency exchange rate fluctuations, (iii) delays in new product launches, (iv) the inability of Astellas to market existing and new products effectively, (v) the inability of Astellas to continue to effectively research and develop products accepted by customers in highly competitive markets, and (vi) infringements of Astellas’ intellectual property rights by third parties.Information about pharmaceutical products (including products currently in development) which is included in this press release is not intended to constitute an advertisement or medical advice.References1 Armstrong AJ, et al. ARCHES: A Randomized, Phase III Study of Androgen Deprivation Therapy With Enzalutamide or Placebo in Men With Metastatic Hormone-Sensitive Prostate Cancer. J Clin Oncol. 2019;37(32):2974-2986.2 Zhou F, et al. 1795P China ARCHES: A multicenter phase III randomized double-blind placebo (PBO)-controlled efficacy and safety trial of enzalutamide (ENZA) + androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) vs PBO + ADT in Chinese patients (pts) with metastatic hormone-sensitive prostate cancer (mHSPC). Ann Oncol. 2023;34 (supplement 2):s971.3 Chinese guidelines for diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer 2018. Chin J Cancer Res. 2019;31(1):67–83.4 Rawla P. Epidemiology of Prostate Cancer. World J Oncol. 2019;10(2):63-89.5 Cancer Research UK. What is metastatic prostate cancer? (02-2023). https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/prostate-cancer/metastatic-cancer/what-is-metastatic-prostate-cancer. Accessed: July 1, 2024.6 Canadian Cancer Society. Treatments for metastatic castration-sensitive prostate cancer. (02-2021). https://cancer.ca/en/cancer-information/cancer-types/prostate/treatment/metastatic-castration-sensitive. Accessed: July 1, 2024.7 Mottet N, et al. Updated Guidelines for Metastatic Hormone-sensitive Prostate Cancer: Abiraterone Acetate Combined with Castration Is Another Standard. Eur Urol. 2018;3:316-321.8 Astellas. Data on file. XTANDI patient. January 2023. Click below for a copy of the full press release 

決議ご通知を掲載しました。link.gif 2024年06月20日 03時00分

Posted Notice of Resolutionlink.gif 2024年06月20日 03時00分

胃がん治療剤「ビロイ<sup>®</sup>点滴静注用100mg」日本で新発…link.gif 2024年06月12日

 アステラス製薬株式会社(本社:東京、代表取締役社長CEO:岡村 直樹、以下「アステラス製薬」)は、ビロイ®点滴静注用100mg(一般名:ゾルベツキシマブ(遺伝子組換え))を、本日、日本において「CLDN18.2陽性の治癒切除不能な進行・再発の胃癌」を効能・効果として発売しました。ビロイ®は、上記を適応症として世界で初めて発売する抗CLDN18.2モノクローナル抗体です。 胃がんの初期ステージの症状は他の一般的な胃関連疾患の症状と似ているため、進行期または転移期になって初めて胃がんと診断されることがよくあります1。胃がんに対する治療は大きな進歩を遂げているものの、依然として日本で3番目に死亡率の高いがんであり、2022年に126,724人が胃がんと診断されています2。 アステラス製薬はロシュ・ダイアグノスティックスと提携しており、ビロイ®による治療が有益と考えられるCLDN18.2陽性の胃がん患者を同定するために、ビロイ®の免疫組織化学染色コンパニオン診断薬(Companion diagnostics:CDx)としてロシュ・ダイアグノスティックスが開発し、承認を取得したベンタナ OptiView CLDN18(43-14A)を使用します3。この検査は、日本において複数の検査機関を通じて利用可能となり、順次拡大される予定です。 アステラス製薬は、ビロイ®という新たな治療選択肢を患者さんに提供し、アンメットメディカルニーズの高い胃がんの治療に貢献していきます。 なお、アステラス製薬は複数の国と地域の規制当局にゾルベツキシマブの承認申請を提出しており、当局で審査中です。 本件によるアステラス製薬の業績への影響は、通期(2025年3月期)連結業績予想に織り込み済みです。 以上 製品情報製品名ビロイ®点滴静注用100mg一般名ゾルベツキシマブ(遺伝子組換え)効能・効果CLDN18.2陽性の治癒切除不能な進行・再発の胃癌用法・用量他の抗悪性腫瘍剤との併用において、通常、成人にはゾルベツキシマブ(遺伝子組換え)として、初回は800mg/m2(体表面積)を、2回目以降は600mg/m2(体表面積)を3週間間隔又は400mg/m2(体表面積)を2週間間隔で2時間以上かけて点滴静注する。承認取得日2024年3月26日薬価収載日2024年5月22日発売日2024年6月12日 製品写真  治癒切除不能な進行・再発の胃癌について胃がんは、世界中で5番目に多く診断されるがんです4。2020年に日本では、胃がんにより43,807人が死亡しており、3番目に死亡率が高いがんとなっています2。徴候や症状には、消化不良や胸やけ、腹部の痛みや不快感、悪心や嘔吐、下痢や便秘、食後の胃の膨満感、食欲不振、食事中に食べ物がのどに詰まる感覚などがあります1。より進行した胃がんの徴候には、原因不明の体重減少、衰弱と疲労、吐血、血便などがあります5。胃がんに関連する危険因子には、高齢、男性、家族歴、ヘリコバクター・ピロリ感染、喫煙、胃食道逆流症などがあります6。早期の胃がんは、胃に関連する一般的な疾患と症状が重なることが多いため、進行期や転移期、すなわち腫瘍の発生部位から他の組織や臓器に広がってから診断されることが多いと言われています1。転移期の患者の5年相対生存率は6.6%です7。ビロイ®(ゾルベツキシマブ)についてビロイ®(ゾルベツキシマブ)は、膜貫通型タンパク質CLDN18.2を標的として結合するキメラIgG1モノクローナル抗体であり、化学療法との併用療法で、「CLDN18.2陽性の治癒切除不能な進行・再発の胃癌」を効能・効果として、日本において製造販売承認を取得しました。ビロイ®は、上記適応症において、世界で初めて承認を受けた抗CLDN18.2モノクローナル抗体です。CLDN18.2陽性は、承認されたコンパニオン診断薬、または医療機器を使用した十分な経験を持つ病理医、または検査機関によって確認される必要があります。ビロイ®は、がん細胞表面のCLDN18.2に結合することにより作用します。この結合相互作用は、抗体依存性細胞傷害(ADCC)と補体依存性細胞傷害(CDC)という2つの異なる免疫系経路を活性化することにより、がん細胞死を誘導します8,9。アステラス製薬株式会社についてアステラス製薬は、世界70カ国以上で事業活動を展開している製薬企業です。最先端のバイオロジーやモダリティ/テクノロジーの組み合わせを駆使し、アンメットメディカルニーズの高い疾患に対する革新的な医薬品の創出に取り組んでいます(Focus Areaアプローチ)。さらに、医療用医薬品(Rx)事業で培った強みをベースに、最先端の医療技術と異分野のパートナーの技術を融合した製品やサービス(Rx+®)の創出にも挑戦しています。アステラス製薬は、変化する医療の最先端に立ち、科学の進歩を患者さんの「価値」に変えていきます。アステラス製薬の詳細については、(https://www.astellas.com/jp/)をご覧ください。注意事項このプレスリリースに記載されている現在の計画、予想、戦略、想定に関する記述およびその他の過去の事実ではない記述は、アステラス製薬の業績等に関する将来の見通しです。これらの記述は経営陣の現在入手可能な情報に基づく見積りや想定によるものであり、既知および未知のリスクと不確実な要素を含んでいます。さまざまな要因によって、これら将来の見通しは実際の結果と大きく異なる可能性があります。その要因としては、(i)医薬品市場における事業環境の変化および関係法規制の改正、(ii)為替レートの変動、(iii)新製品発売の遅延、(iv)新製品および既存品の販売活動において期待した成果を得られない可能性、(v)競争力のある新薬を継続的に生み出すことができない可能性、(vi)第三者による知的財産の侵害等がありますが、これらに限定されるものではありません。また、このプレスリリースに含まれている医薬品(開発中のものを含む)に関する情報は、宣伝広告、医学的アドバイスを目的としているものではありません。参考文献American Cancer Society. Signs and symptoms of stomach cancer (01-22-2021). Available at https://www.cancer.org/cancer/stomach-cancer/detection-diagnosis-staging/signs-symptoms.html. Accessed 01-09-2024.Ferlay J, Ervik M, Lam F, Laversanne M, Colombet M, Mery L, Piñeros M, Znaor A, Soerjomataram I, Bray F (2024). Global Cancer Observatory: Cancer Today. Lyon, France: International Agency for Research on Cancer. Available at https://gco.iarc.fr/today. Accessed 02-06-2024DATA ON FILE.Sung H, et al. Global cancer statistics 2020: GLOBOCAN estimates of incidence and mortality worldwide for 36 cancers in 185 countries. CA Cancer J Clin. 2021;71(3):209-49.National Cancer Institute. Gastric cancer treatment (PDQ®): patient version (08-24-2021). Available at https://www.cancer.gov/types/stomach/patient/stomach-treatment-pdq. Accessed 01-18-2024.American Cancer Society. Stomach cancer risk factors (01-22-2021). Available at https://www.cancer.org/cancer/types/stomach-cancer/causes-risks-prevention/risk-factors.html. Accessed 01-09-2024.National Cancer Institute. Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results Program. Cancer stat facts: stomach cancer. Available at https://seer.cancer.gov/statfacts/html/stomach.html. Accessed 01-16-2024.Shah, M.A., Shitara, K., Ajani, J.A. et al. Zolbetuximab plus CAPOX in CLDN18.2-positive gastric or gastroesophageal junction adenocarcinoma: the randomized, phase 3 GLOW trial. Nat Med (2023). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41591-023-02465-7.Shitara K, et al. Zolbetuximab plus mFOLFOX6 in patients with CLDN18.2-positive, HER2-negative, untreated, locally advanced unresectable or metastatic gastric or gastro-oesophageal junction adenocarcinoma (SPOTLIGHT): a multicentre, randomised, double-blind, phase 3 trial. The Lancet. Published online April 14, 2023; S0140-6736(23)00620-7. 

高岡工場における医薬品生産終了のお知らせlink.gif 2024年05月31日 06時00分

 アステラス製薬株式会社(本社:東京、代表取締役社長CEO:岡村 直樹、以下「アステラス製薬」)は、2025年度末をもって高岡工場における医薬品の生産活動を終了します。 アステラス製薬は、急速に変化する事業環境に対応し、持続的な成長を実現するため、オペレーションの質向上および効率化を図るとともに、最適なコスト構造の構築に継続的に取り組んでいます。 高岡工場は、アステラス製薬の医薬品の原薬製造および製剤化を行う工場の一つとして、旧藤沢薬品工業時代より長きにわたりさまざまな医薬品の生産を担ってきました。アステラス製薬が目指す、グローバルでより安定した医薬品の生産・供給を実現する体制の構築、および高岡工場の老朽化などに鑑み、今回、高岡工場における医薬品生産活動の終了を決定しました。 現在、高岡工場で生産している医薬品については、他の生産工場へ移管するため、今回の生産活動終了に伴う医薬品の安定供給への影響はありません。また、現在、高岡工場に勤務するアステラス製薬の正社員は、2026年3月末までに随時、他事業場に異動し、雇用を継続します。 本件によるアステラス製薬の業績への影響は、通期(2025年3月期)連結業績予想に織り込み済みです。以上アステラス製薬株式会社についてアステラス製薬は、世界70カ国以上で事業活動を展開している製薬企業です。最先端のバイオロジーやモダリティ/テクノロジーの組み合わせを駆使し、アンメットメディカルニーズの高い疾患に対する革新的な医薬品の創出に取り組んでいます(Focus Areaアプローチ)。さらに、医療用医薬品(Rx)事業で培った強みをベースに、最先端の医療技術と異分野のパートナーの技術を融合した製品やサービス(Rx+®)の創出にも挑戦しています。アステラス製薬は、変化する医療の最先端に立ち、科学の進歩を患者さんの「価値」に変えていきます。アステラス製薬の詳細については、(https://www.astellas.com/jp/)をご覧ください。注意事項このプレスリリースに記載されている現在の計画、予想、戦略、想定に関する記述およびその他の過去の事実ではない記述は、アステラス製薬の業績等に関する将来の見通しです。これらの記述は経営陣の現在入手可能な情報に基づく見積りや想定によるものであり、既知および未知のリスクと不確実な要素を含んでいます。さまざまな要因によって、これら将来の見通しは実際の結果と大きく異なる可能性があります。その要因としては、(i)医薬品市場における事業環境の変化および関係法規制の改正、(ii)為替レートの変動、(iii)新製品発売の遅延、(iv)新製品および既存品の販売活動において期待した成果を得られない可能性、(v)競争力のある新薬を継続的に生み出すことができない可能性、(vi)第三者による知的財産の侵害等がありますが、これらに限定されるものではありません。また、このプレスリリースに含まれている医薬品(開発中のものを含む)に関する情報は、宣伝広告、医学的アドバイスを目的としているものではありません。

ゾルベツキシマブ FDAが承認再申請を受理link.gif 2024年05月31日 02時30分

 アステラス製薬株式会社(本社:東京、以下「アステラス製薬」)は、Claudin(CLDN) 18.2陽性、HER2陰性の切除不能な局所進行性または転移性胃腺がんおよび食道胃接合部腺がんの治療薬として開発中のゾルベツキシマブについて、5月30日(現地時間)、米国食品医薬品局(Food and Drug Administration:FDA)から生物学的製剤承認申請書(Biologic License Application:BLA)を受理した旨の通知を受領しました。承認された場合、米国で上記対象疾患に対するファーストインクラスの抗CLDN18.2モノクローナル抗体となる可能性があります。FDAは、新たな審査終了目標日(Prescription Drug User Fee Act date:PDUFA date)を2024年11月9日と定めました。 米国では、2024年に26,890人が胃がんと診断され、10,880人が同疾患により死亡すると推定されています1。早期胃がんの症状は、より一般的な胃に関連する疾患と重複することが多いため、進行期または転移期、つまり腫瘍の発生源から他の組織や臓器に転移した後に胃がんと診断されることが多いと言われています2。転移期の患者の5年相対生存率は7%です1。 FDAからゾルベツキシマブの医薬品製造受託機関の施設を査察した結果、未解決の指摘事項があるため、PDUFA dateまでにゾルベツキシマブを承認できない旨の通知を2024年1月4日に受け、アステラス製薬は2024年5月9日(現地時間)に今回のBLAを再提出しました。FDAは、ゾルベツキシマブの有効性や安全性を含む臨床試験結果に関連した懸念は表明しておらず、追加の臨床試験も求めていませんでした。 今回のBLAは、第III相SPOTLIGHT試験およびGLOW試験の結果に基づいています3,4。SPOTLIGHT試験では、ゾルベツキシマブ+mFOLFOX6療法(オキサリプラチン、ホリナートおよびフルオロウラシルを組み合わせた療法)群とプラセボ+mFOLFOX6療法群を比較しました。GLOW試験では、ゾルベツキシマブ+CAPOX療法(カペシタビンとオキサリプラチンを組み合わせた療法)群と、プラセボ+CAPOX療法群を比較しました。 SPOTLIGHT試験およびGLOW試験において、スクリーニングされた患者の約38%が、免疫組織化学染色において腫瘍細胞の75%以上で中等度から強度の染色強度を示し、CLDN18.2陽性と判定されました3,4。 2024年3月26日に、日本においてビロイ®点滴静注用100mg(一般名:ゾルベツキシマブ(遺伝子組換え))は、CLDN18.2陽性の治癒切除不能な進行・再発の胃癌を効能・効果として、製造販売承認を取得しました5。ビロイ®は、上記適応症において、世界で初めて承認を受けた抗CLDN18.2モノクローナル抗体となりました。アステラス製薬は複数の国と地域の規制当局にゾルベツキシマブの承認申請を提出しており、当局で審査中です。 アステラス製薬は、アンメットメディカルニーズの高い胃腺がんおよび食道胃接合部腺がんに苦しむ患者さんに新たな治療選択肢を提供することを目指しています。 本件によるアステラス製薬の業績への影響は、通期(2025年3月期)連結業績予想に織り込み済みです。以上切除不能な局所進行性または転移性胃腺がんおよび食道胃接合部腺がんについて胃がんは、世界中で5番目に多く診断されるがんです7。米国では、胃がんの患者数は130,263人と推定されており、希少疾患に分類されています1.8。2024年に26,890人が胃がんと診断され、10,880人が同疾患により死亡すると推定されています1。徴候や症状には、消化不良や胸やけ、腹部の痛みや不快感、悪心や嘔吐、下痢や便秘、食後の胃の膨満感、食欲不振、食事中に食べ物がのどに詰まる感覚などがあります2。より進行した胃がんの徴候には、原因不明の体重減少、衰弱と疲労、吐血、血便などがあります9。胃がんに関連する危険因子には、高齢、男性、家族歴、ヘリコバクター・ピロリ感染、喫煙、胃食道逆流症などがあります2,10。早期の胃がんは、胃に関連する一般的な疾患と症状が重なることが多いため、進行期や転移期、すなわち腫瘍の発生部位から他の体の組織や臓器に広がってから診断されることが多いと言われています2。転移期の患者の5年相対生存率は7%です1。食道胃接合部腺がんは、食道が胃に結合する領域から発生する腺がんです11。ゾルベツキシマブについてゾルベツキシマブは、開発中の膜貫通型タンパク質CLDN18.2を標的として結合するキメラIgG1モノクローナル抗体です。ゾルベツキシマブは、承認された場合、米国でファーストインクラスの抗CLDN18.2モノクローナル抗体となる可能性があります。ゾルベツキシマブは、がん細胞表面のCLDN18.2に結合することにより作用します。この結合相互作用は、抗体依存性細胞傷害(ADCC)と補体依存性細胞傷害(CDC)という2つの異なる免疫系経路を活性化することにより、がん細胞死を誘導します6。ビロイTM点滴静注用100mg(一般名:ゾルベツキシマブ(遺伝子組換え))は、CLDN18.2陽性の治癒切除不能な進行・再発の胃癌を効能・効果として、日本において製造販売承認を取得しました5。米国においてゾルベツキシマブが、開発中の用途で承認を受けるあるいは市販される保証はありません。第III相SPOTLIGHT試験についてSPOTLIGHT試験(NCT03504397)は、CLDN18.2陽性、HER2陰性、切除不能な局所進行性または転移性の胃腺がんおよび食道胃接合部腺がんの一次治療として、ゾルベツキシマブ+mFOLFOX6療法(オキサリプラチン、ホリナート、フルオロウラシルを組み合わせた療法)群と、プラセボ+mFOLFOX6療法群を比較して有効性および安全性を検証する、グローバル、多施設、二重盲検無作為化第III相試験です。この試験には、米国、英国、オーストラリア、欧州、南米、アジアの215カ所の医療機関で565人の患者が登録されました。主要評価項目は、プラセボ+mFOLFOX6療法群と比較した、ゾルベツキシマブ+mFOLFOX6療法群の無増悪生存期間(Progression Free Survival: PFS)です。副次評価項目には全生存期間(Overall Survival: OS)、客観的奏効率、奏効期間、安全性と忍容性、生活の質(Quality of Life: QOL)に関するパラメーターが含まれます。SPOTLIGHT臨床試験のデータは、2023年1月19日の口頭発表で2023年米国臨床腫瘍学会消化管癌シンポジウム(ASCO GI)中に発表され、その後2023年4月14日にLancet誌に掲載されました3。第III相GLOW試験についてGLOW試験(NCT03653507)は、CLDN18.2陽性、HER2陰性、切除不能な局所進行性または転移性の胃腺がんおよび食道胃接合部腺がんの一次治療として、ゾルベツキシマブ(IMAB362)+CAPOX療法(カペシタビンとオキサリプラチンを組み合わせた療法)群と、プラセボ+CAPOX療法群を比較して有効性および安全性を検証する、グローバル、多施設、二重盲検無作為化第III相試験です。この試験には、米国、カナダ、英国、欧州、南米、アジアの166カ所で、507人の患者が登録されました。主要評価項目は、プラセボ+CAPOX療法群と比較した、ゾルベツキシマブ+CAPOX療法群のPFSです。副次評価項目には、OS、客観的奏効率、奏効期間、安全性と忍容性、QOLに関するパラメーターが含まれます。GLOW試験のデータは、2023年3月の米国臨床腫瘍学会(ASCO)プレナリーシリーズで最初に発表され、2023年6月3日の2023年ASCO年次総会においても口頭発表され、その後2023年7月31日にNature Medicineに掲載されました4。アステラス製薬株式会社についてアステラス製薬は、世界70カ国以上で事業活動を展開している製薬企業です。最先端のバイオロジーやモダリティ/テクノロジーの組み合わせを駆使し、アンメットメディカルニーズの高い疾患に対する革新的な医薬品の創出に取り組んでいます(Focus Areaアプローチ)。さらに、医療用医薬品(Rx)事業で培った強みをベースに、最先端の医療技術と異分野のパートナーの技術を融合した製品やサービス(Rx+®)の創出にも挑戦しています。アステラス製薬は、変化する医療の最先端に立ち、科学の進歩を患者さんの「価値」に変えていきます。アステラス製薬の詳細については、(https://www.astellas.com/jp/)をご覧ください。注意事項このプレスリリースに記載されている現在の計画、予想、戦略、想定に関する記述およびその他の過去の事実ではない記述は、アステラス製薬の業績等に関する将来の見通しです。これらの記述は経営陣の現在入手可能な情報に基づく見積りや想定によるものであり、既知および未知のリスクと不確実な要素を含んでいます。さまざまな要因によって、これら将来の見通しは実際の結果と大きく異なる可能性があります。その要因としては、(i)医薬品市場における事業環境の変化および関係法規制の改正、(ii)為替レートの変動、(iii)新製品発売の遅延、(iv)新製品および既存品の販売活動において期待した成果を得られない可能性、(v)競争力のある新薬を継続的に生み出すことができない可能性、(vi)第三者による知的財産の侵害等がありますが、これらに限定されるものではありません。また、このプレスリリースに含まれている医薬品(開発中のものを含む)に関する情報は、宣伝広告、医学的アドバイスを目的としているものではありません。参考文献1. National Cancer Institute. Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results Program. Cancer stat facts: stomach cancer. Available at https://seer.cancer.gov/statfacts/html/stomach.html. Accessed 04-26-2024.2. American Cancer Society. Signs and symptoms of stomach cancer (01-22-2021). Available at https://www.cancer.org/cancer/stomach-cancer/detection-diagnosis-staging/signs-symptoms.html. Accessed 11-13-2023. 3. Shitara K, et al. Zolbetuximab plus mFOLFOX6 in patients with CLDN18.2-positive, HER2-negative, untreated, locally advanced unresectable or metastatic gastric or gastro-oesophageal junction adenocarcinoma (SPOTLIGHT): a multicentre, randomised, double-blind, phase 3 trial. The Lancet. Published online April 14, 2023; S0140-6736(23)00620-7.4. Shah, M.A., Shitara, K., Ajani, J.A. et al. Zolbetuximab plus CAPOX in CLDN18.2-positive gastric or gastroesophageal junction adenocarcinoma: the randomized, phase 3 GLOW trial. Nat Med (2023). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41591-023-02465-7.5. “Astellas’ VYLOYTM (Zolbetuximab) Approved in Japan for Treatment of Gastric Cancer.” Astellas, 26 Mar. 2024, https://www.astellas.com/en/news/29026. [Press release].6. Sahin U, et al. FAST: a randomised phase II study of zolbetuximab (IMAB362) plus EOX versus EOX alone for first-line treatment of advanced CLDN18.2-positive gastric and gastro-oesophageal adenocarcinoma. Ann Oncol. 2021;32(5):609-19. 7. Sung H, et al. Global cancer statistics 2020: GLOBOCAN estimates of incidence and mortality worldwide for 36 cancers in 185 countries. CA Cancer J Clin. 2021;71(3):209-49.8. National Institutes of Health National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences. About - Genetic and Rare Diseases Information Center. https://rarediseases.info.nih.gov/about. Accessed 11-13-2023.9. National Cancer Institute. Stomach cancer treatment (PDQ®): patient version (08-24-2021). Available at https://www.cancer.gov/types/stomach/patient/stomach-treatment-pdq. Accessed 11-13-202310. American Cancer Society. Esophageal cancer risk factors (06-09-2020). Available at https://www.cancer.org/cancer/esophagus-cancer/causes-risks-prevention/risk-factors.html. Accessed 11-13-2023.11. American Cancer Society. About esophagus cancer (03-20-2020). Available at https://www.cancer.org/content/dam/CRC/PDF/Public/8614.00.pdf. Accessed 11-13-2023. 


TOKYO, May 30, 2024 – Astellas Pharma Inc. (TSE: 4503, President and CEO: Naoki Okamura, “Astellas”) today announced that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has acknowledged the company’s resubmission of the Biologics License Application (BLA) for zolbetuximab, a first-in-class investigational claudin (CLDN) 18.2-targeted monoclonal antibody, for the first-line treatment of adults with locally advanced unresectable or metastatic human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2)-negative gastric or gastroesophageal junction (GEJ) adenocarcinoma whose tumors are CLDN18.2 positive. If approved, zolbetuximab would be the first CLDN18.2-targeted therapy approved for this patient population in the U.S. Under the Prescription Drug User Fee Act (PDUFA), the FDA has set a new target action date of November 9, 2024.In the U.S., it was estimated that 26,890 people will be diagnosed with gastric cancer and 10,880 will die from the disease in 2024.1 Since early-stage gastric cancer symptoms frequently overlap with more common stomach-related conditions, gastric cancer is often diagnosed in the advanced or metastatic stage, or once it has spread from the tumor’s origin to other body tissues or organs.2 The five-year relative survival rate for patients at the metastatic stage is 7%.1Moitreyee Chatterjee-Kishore, Ph.D., M.B.A., Senior Vice President and Head of Immuno-Oncology Development, Astellas“Astellas is committed to introducing new targeted therapies for hard-to-treat cancers. Those living with advanced gastric or GEJ cancer often face great unmet needs, and the FDA acknowledgment of the zolbetuximab BLA resubmission brings us one step closer to offering this important treatment option to eligible patients in the U.S. facing this deadly disease.”The zolbetuximab BLA was resubmitted on May 9, 2024, following a complete response letter issued on January 4, 2024 by the FDA due to third-party manufacturing deficiencies identified during the pre-license inspection of the facility. The FDA did not raise any concerns related to the clinical data, including efficacy or safety, of zolbetuximab, and did not request additional clinical studies to support the BLA approval.The zolbetuximab BLA was based on results from the Phase 3 SPOTLIGHT and GLOW clinical trials.3,4 The SPOTLIGHT study evaluated zolbetuximab plus mFOLFOX6 (a combination regimen that includes oxaliplatin, leucovorin, and fluorouracil) compared to placebo plus mFOLFOX6. The GLOW study evaluated zolbetuximab plus CAPOX (a combination chemotherapy regimen that includes capecitabine and oxaliplatin) compared to placebo plus CAPOX.In both SPOTLIGHT and GLOW, approximately 38% of patients screened had tumors that were CLDN18.2 positive.3,4 CLDN18.2 positivity is defined as ≥75% of tumor cells demonstrating moderate-to-strong membranous CLDN18 staining, as determined by a validated immunohistochemistry assay.3,4On March 26, 2024, Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW) approved zolbetuximab, making it the first and only CLDN18.2-targeted treatment approved for patients with CLDN18.2 positive, unresectable, advanced or recurrent gastric cancer.5 Astellas has also submitted applications for zolbetuximab to regulatory agencies around the world, and reviews are ongoing.Astellas has already reflected the impact from the FDA acknowledgment of the BLA resubmission for zolbetuximab in its financial forecast for the current fiscal year ending March 31, 2025.About ZolbetuximabZolbetuximab is a claudin 18.2-directed cytolytic antibody being investigated in combination with fluoropyrimidine- and platinum-containing chemotherapy for the first-line treatment of adults with locally advanced unresectable or metastatic human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2)-negative gastric or gastroesophageal junction (GEJ) adenocarcinoma whose tumors are claudin (CLDN) 18.2 positive. As an investigational first-in-class monoclonal antibody (mAb), zolbetuximab targets and binds to CLDN18.2, a transmembrane protein. In pre-clinical studies, zolbetuximab depleted CLDN18.2-positive cells via antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) and complement-dependent cytotoxicity (CDC).6 There is no guarantee the agent will receive regulatory approval in the U.S. or become commercially available for the uses being investigated.About Locally Advanced Unresectable Metastatic Gastric and Gastroesophageal Junction CancerGastric cancer, also commonly known as stomach cancer, is the fifth most commonly diagnosed cancer worldwide.7 In the U.S., it is estimated that 130,263 people are living with gastric cancer, classifying it as a rare disease.1,8 In 2024, it is estimated that 26,890 people will be diagnosed with gastric cancer and 10,880 will die from the disease in the U.S.1 Signs and symptoms can include indigestion or heartburn, pain or discomfort in the abdomen, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea or constipation, bloating of the stomach after meals, loss of appetite, and sensation of food getting stuck in the throat while eating.2 Signs of more advanced gastric cancer can include unexplained weight loss, weakness and fatigue, and vomiting blood or having blood in the stool.9 Risk factors associated with gastric cancer can include older age, male gender, family history, H. pylori infection, smoking, and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).2,10 Gastroesophageal junction (GEJ) adenocarcinoma is a cancer that starts at the area where the esophagus joins the stomach.11 Because early-stage gastric cancer symptoms frequently overlap with more common stomach-related conditions, gastric cancer is often diagnosed in the advanced or metastatic stage, or once it has spread from the tumor’s origin to other body tissues or organs.2 The five-year relative survival rate for patients at the metastatic stage is 7%.1INVESTIGATIONAL STUDIESAbout SPOTLIGHT Phase 3 Clinical TrialSPOTLIGHT is a Phase 3, global, multi-center, double-blind, randomized study, assessing the efficacy and safety of zolbetuximab plus mFOLFOX6 (a combination chemotherapy regimen that includes oxaliplatin, leucovorin, and fluorouracil) compared to placebo plus mFOLFOX6 as a first-line treatment in patients with locally advanced unresectable or metastatic HER2-negative gastric or GEJ adenocarcinoma whose tumors were CLDN18.2 positive. The study enrolled 565 patients at 215 study locations in the U.S., Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, Europe, South America, and Asia. The primary endpoint is progression-free survival (PFS) of participants treated with the combination of zolbetuximab plus mFOLFOX6 compared to those treated with placebo plus mFOLFOX6. Secondary endpoints include overall survival (OS), objective response rate (ORR), duration of response (DOR), safety and tolerability, and quality-of-life parameters.Data from the SPOTLIGHT clinical trial were presented during the 2023 American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Gastrointestinal (GI) Cancers Symposium in an oral presentation on January 19 and were subsequently published in The Lancet on April 14, 2023.3For more information, please visit clinicaltrials.gov under Identifier NCT03504397.About GLOW Phase 3 Clinical TrialGLOW is a Phase 3, global, multi-center, double-blind, randomized study, assessing the efficacy and safety of zolbetuximab plus CAPOX (a combination chemotherapy regimen that includes capecitabine and oxaliplatin) compared to placebo plus CAPOX as a first-line treatment in patients with locally advanced unresectable or metastatic HER2-negative gastric or GEJ adenocarcinoma whose tumors were CLDN18.2 positive. The study enrolled 507 patients at 166 study locations in the U.S., Canada, United Kingdom, Europe, South America, and Asia, including Japan. The primary endpoint is PFS in participants treated with the combination of zolbetuximab plus CAPOX compared to those treated with placebo plus CAPOX. Secondary endpoints include OS, ORR, DOR, safety and tolerability, and quality-of-life parameters.Data from the GLOW study were initially presented at the March 2023 ASCO Plenary Series with an updated oral presentation at the 2023 ASCO Annual Meeting on June 3, 2023, and were subsequently published in Nature Medicine on July 31, 2023.4For more information, please visit clinicaltrials.gov under Identifier NCT03653507.Investigational Pipeline in CLDN18.2An expanded Phase 2 trial of zolbetuximab in metastatic pancreatic adenocarcinoma is in progress and recruiting patients. The trial is a randomized, multi-center, open-label study, evaluating the safety and efficacy of investigational zolbetuximab in combination with gemcitabine plus nab-paclitaxel as a first-line treatment in patients with metastatic pancreatic adenocarcinoma with CLDN18.2 positive tumors (defined as ≥75% of tumor cells demonstrating moderate to strong membranous CLDN18 staining based on a validated immunohistochemistry assay). For more information, please visit clinicaltrials.gov under Identifier NCT03816163.In addition to zolbetuximab, ASP2138 is under development in our Primary Focus Immuno-Oncology area and is currently recruiting patients. ASP2138 is a bispecific monoclonal antibody that binds to CD3 and CLDN18.2, and it is currently in a Phase 1/1b study in participants with metastatic or locally advanced unresectable gastric or GEJ adenocarcinoma or metastatic pancreatic adenocarcinoma whose tumors have CLDN18.2 expression. The safety and efficacy of the agent under investigation have not been established for the uses being considered. For more information, please visit clinicaltrials.gov under Identifier NCT05365581.There is no guarantee that the agent(s) will receive regulatory approval and become commercially available for the uses being investigated.About AstellasAstellas Pharma Inc. is a pharmaceutical company conducting business in more than 70 countries around the world. We are promoting the Focus Area Approach that is designed to identify opportunities for the continuous creation of new drugs to address diseases with high unmet medical needs by focusing on Biology and Modality. Furthermore, we are also looking beyond our foundational Rx focus to create Rx+® healthcare solutions that combine our expertise and knowledge with cutting-edge technology in different fields of external partners. Through these efforts, Astellas stands on the forefront of healthcare change to turn innovative science into VALUE for patients. For more information, please visit our website at https://www.astellas.com/en.Cautionary NotesIn this press release, statements made with respect to current plans, estimates, strategies and beliefs and other statements that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements about the future performance of Astellas. These statements are based on management’s current assumptions and beliefs in light of the information currently available to it and involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties. A number of factors could cause actual results to differ materially from those discussed in the forward-looking statements. Such factors include, but are not limited to: (i) changes in general economic conditions and in laws and regulations, relating to pharmaceutical markets, (ii) currency exchange rate fluctuations, (iii) delays in new product launches, (iv) the inability of Astellas to market existing and new products effectively, (v) the inability of Astellas to continue to effectively research and develop products accepted by customers in highly competitive markets, and (vi) infringements of Astellas’ intellectual property rights by third parties.Information about pharmaceutical products (including products currently in development) which is included in this press release is not intended to constitute an advertisement or medical advice.References1 National Cancer Institute. Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results Program. Cancer stat facts: stomachcancer. Available at https://seer.cancer.gov/statfacts/html/stomach.html. Accessed 04-26-2024.2 American Cancer Society. Signs and symptoms of stomach cancer (01-22-2021). Available at https://www.cancer.org/cancer/stomach-cancer/detection-diagnosis-staging/signs-symptoms.html. Accessed 11-13-2023. 3 Shitara K, et al. Zolbetuximab plus mFOLFOX6 in patients with CLDN18.2-positive, HER2-negative, untreated, locally advanced unresectable or metastatic gastric or gastro-oesophageal junction adenocarcinoma (SPOTLIGHT): a multicentre, randomised, double-blind, phase 3 trial. The Lancet. Published online April 14, 2023; S0140-6736(23)00620-7.4 Shah, M.A., Shitara, K., Ajani, J.A. et al. Zolbetuximab plus CAPOX in CLDN18.2-positive gastric or gastroesophageal junction adenocarcinoma: the randomized, phase 3 GLOW trial. Nat Med (2023). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41591-023-02465-7.5 “Astellas’ VYLOYTM (Zolbetuximab) Approved in Japan for Treatment of Gastric Cancer.” Astellas, 26 Mar. 2024, https://www.astellas.com/en/news/29026. [Press release].6 Sahin U, et al. FAST: a randomised phase II study of zolbetuximab (IMAB362) plus EOX versus EOX alone for first-line treatment of advanced CLDN18.2-positive gastric and gastro-oesophageal adenocarcinoma. Ann Oncol. 2021;32(5):609-19.7 Sung H, et al. Global cancer statistics 2020: GLOBOCAN estimates of incidence and mortality worldwide for 36 cancers in 185 countries. CA Cancer J Clin. 2021;71(3):209-49.8 National Institutes of Health National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences. About - Genetic and Rare Diseases Information Center. https://rarediseases.info.nih.gov/about. Accessed 11-13-2023.9 National Cancer Institute. Stomach cancer treatment (PDQ®): patient version (08-24-2021). Available at https://www.cancer.gov/types/stomach/patient/stomach-treatment-pdq. Accessed 11-13-2023.10 American Cancer Society. Esophageal cancer risk factors (06-09-2020). Available at https://www.cancer.org/cancer/esophagus-cancer/causes-risks-prevention/risk-factors.html. Accessed 11-13-2023.11 American Cancer Society. About esophagus cancer (03-20-2020). Available at https://www.cancer.org/content/dam/CRC/PDF/Public/8614.00.pdf. Accessed 11-13-2023. Click below for a copy of the full press release 

アステラス製薬 安川電機と製薬技術とロボティクス技術の融合に…link.gif 2024年05月21日 04時00分

 アステラス製薬株式会社(本社:東京、代表取締役社長CEO:岡村 直樹、以下「アステラス製薬」)は、株式会社安川電機(本社:福岡県、以下「安川電機」)と、製薬技術とロボティクス技術の融合による革新的な細胞医療エコシステムの構築に向けた検討を開始する覚書を締結しました。本覚書は両社間の提携に関する法的拘束力のない覚書であり、今後、両社の間で具体的な検討を進めていくこととなります。 細胞医療の事業化は、製品製造の難しさが大きな障壁となっています。そのため、複雑な製造プロセスの構築、製造者間の技術移転、商業化に向けた大規模製造設備の設置など、大きな投資が必要です。その結果、スタートアップやアカデミア単独で細胞医療を事業化することは容易でありません。 アステラス製薬は2017年末に、安川電機の子会社であるロボティック・バイオロジー・インスティテュート株式会社が開発したヒト型汎用ロボットMaholo(まほろ)を導入し、細胞医療の創薬研究、および製造技術研究を進めてきました。 本覚書に基づき両社は、最新型Maholoを活用し、細胞医療の研究初期から製品化に至るまでをシームレスにつなぐことで、高品質の細胞医療製品の製造、および細胞医療の研究開発期間の短縮を目指したプラットフォームの開発に向けた検討を開始します。 さらに、両社は本プラットフォームを使ったサービスをスタートアップやアカデミアに提供する可能性も検討し、それにより、薬機法*1に基づく治験薬製造への投資を軽減するとともに、イノベーションの発掘、育成に寄与できる優位性のある細胞医療エコシステムの構築を目指した検討を行います。 アステラス製薬は、細胞医療における細胞製造技術、臨床開発および細胞医療に関連する当局の規制に関する知見を提供します。安川電機は、最新のロボティクス技術とFA (Factory Automation)技術の提供や開発を行います。 アステラス製薬は、VISION「変化する医療の最先端に立ち、科学の進歩を患者さんの『価値』に変える」の実現に向けて取り組んでいます。細胞医療の研究開発に取り組むスタートアップやアカデミアが、画期的な治療となる可能性を秘めた最先端の細胞医療製品を一日も早く患者さんに届けられるよう、アステラス製薬は両社間のパートナーシップの可能性を探索していきます。 本件によるアステラス製薬の通期(2025年3月期)連結業績への影響は軽微です。 同日、安川電機は、「安川電機のロボット技術とアステラス製薬の製薬技術を融合した細胞医療プラットフォームの構築について」を発表しています。以上*1 薬機法:医薬品、医療機器等の品質、有効性及び安全性の確保等に関する法律アステラス製薬株式会社についてアステラス製薬は、世界70カ国以上で事業活動を展開している製薬企業です。最先端のバイオロジーやモダリティ/テクノロジーの組み合わせを駆使し、アンメットメディカルニーズの高い疾患に対する革新的な医薬品の創出に取り組んでいます(Focus Areaアプローチ)。さらに、医療用医薬品(Rx)事業で培った強みをベースに、最先端の医療技術と異分野のパートナーの技術を融合した製品やサービス(Rx+®)の創出にも挑戦しています。アステラス製薬は、変化する医療の最先端に立ち、科学の進歩を患者さんの「価値」に変えていきます。アステラス製薬の詳細については、(https://www.astellas.com/jp/)をご覧ください。注意事項このプレスリリースに記載されている現在の計画、予想、戦略、想定に関する記述およびその他の過去の事実ではない記述は、アステラス製薬の業績等に関する将来の見通しです。これらの記述は経営陣の現在入手可能な情報に基づく見積りや想定によるものであり、既知および未知のリスクと不確実な要素を含んでいます。さまざまな要因によって、これら将来の見通しは実際の結果と大きく異なる可能性があります。その要因としては、(i)医薬品市場における事業環境の変化および関係法規制の改正、(ii)為替レートの変動、(iii)新製品発売の遅延、(iv)新製品および既存品の販売活動において期待した成果を得られない可能性、(v)競争力のある新薬を継続的に生み出すことができない可能性、(vi)第三者による知的財産の侵害等がありますが、これらに限定されるものではありません。また、このプレスリリースに含まれている医薬品(開発中のものを含む)に関する情報は、宣伝広告、医学的アドバイスを目的としているものではありません。

Astellas Announces a Collaboration with YASKAWA to Create a…link.gif 2024年05月21日 04時00分

TOKYO, May 21, 2024 - Astellas Pharma Inc. (TSE: 4503, President and CEO: Naoki Okamura, “Astellas”) today announced that it signed a memorandum of understanding with YASKAWA Electric Corporation (YASKAWA) to begin discussions on the creation of an innovative cell therapy ecosystem through the integration of pharmaceutical and robotics technologies. This memorandum is legally non-binding and will lead to further specific discussions between the two companies in the future.The complexity of product manufacturing is a significant challenge to commercializing cell therapy. Substantial investments are required to develop complex manufacturing processes, transfer technology among manufacturers, and establish large-scale manufacturing facilities for commercialization. This makes it difficult for startups and academia to commercialize cell therapy independently.Since the end of 2017, Astellas has been advancing drug discovery and manufacturing technology research in cell therapy through the introduction of the humanoid robot "Maholo", developed by the Robotic Biology Institute, a subsidiary of YASKAWA.Under the terms of the memorandum, the companies will begin discussions to potentially develop a platform that may seamlessly link early-stage research to commercialization, utilizing the state-of-the-art Maholo robot to manufacture high-quality products and shorten the R&D period of cell therapy.Furthermore, the companies would consider the possibility of potentially offering the use of the platform to startups and academia, aiming to develop an advanced cell therapy ecosystem that may enable the discovery and nurturing of innovation while potentially reducing investment in investigational drug manufacturing based on the Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Act*1.Astellas would provide cell manufacturing technology, clinical development and regulatory insights related to cell therapy. YASKAWA would provide and develop state-of-the-art robotics and factory automation technologies.Astellas is committed to achieving our VISION of being “on the forefront of healthcare change, turning innovative science into VALUE for patients”. With this potential partnership, Astellas would further contribute to startups and academia working on cell therapy to deliver cutting-edge cell therapy products with the potential to be innovative treatments to patients.The impact of this memorandum on Astellas’ financial results for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2025, is expected to be minor.YASKAWA announces “Yaskawa Partners with Astellas Pharma on Building a Cell Therapy Platform Combining Robotics and Pharmaceutical Technologies” on the same day.*1 Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Act: Act on Securing Quality, Efficacy and Safety of Products Including Pharmaceuticals and Medical DevicesAbout AstellasAstellas Pharma Inc. is a pharmaceutical company conducting business in more than 70 countries around the world. We are promoting the Focus Area Approach that is designed to identify opportunities for the continuous creation of new drugs to address diseases with high unmet medical needs by focusing on Biology and Modality. Furthermore, we are also looking beyond our foundational Rx focus to create Rx+® healthcare solutions that combine our expertise and knowledge with cutting-edge technology in different fields of external partners. Through these efforts, Astellas stands on the forefront of healthcare change to turn innovative science into VALUE for patients. For more information, please visit our website at https://www.astellas.com/en.Cautionary NotesIn this press release, statements made with respect to current plans, estimates, strategies and beliefs and other statements that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements about the future performance of Astellas. These statements are based on management’s current assumptions and beliefs in light of the information currently available to it and involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties. A number of factors could cause actual results to differ materially from those discussed in the forward-looking statements. Such factors include, but are not limited to: (i) changes in general economic conditions and in laws and regulations, relating to pharmaceutical markets, (ii) currency exchange rate fluctuations, (iii) delays in new product launches, (iv) the inability of Astellas to market existing and new products effectively, (v) the inability of Astellas to continue to effectively research and develop products accepted by customers in highly competitive markets, and (vi) infringements of Astellas’ intellectual property rights by third parties.Information about pharmaceutical products (including products currently in development) which is included in this press release is not intended to constitute an advertisement or medical advice. Click below for a copy of the full press release 

2024年米国臨床腫瘍学会(ASCO)年次総会においてがん領域ポー…link.gif 2024年05月13日 23時30分

 アステラス製薬株式会社(本社:東京、代表取締役社長CEO:岡村 直樹、以下「アステラス製薬」)は、5月31日から6月4日にかけて開催される2024年米国臨床腫瘍学会(American Society of Clinical Oncology: ASCO)年次総会において、革新的ながん領域ポートフォリオ全体に関する新たなデータを発表します。 アステラス製薬は進行中の規制当局による審査を支持するピボタル試験の新データを含む合計16の演題を発表します。アステラス製薬は多くのデータを発表することで、前立腺がん、尿路上皮がん、胃腺がん・食道胃接合部腺がんなどの難治性のがんに対する治療薬を通じて、がん患者に新たな価値を届けるというアステラス製薬のコミットメントを示します。主な発表は以下の通りです。治療歴のない局所進行性または転移性尿路上皮がん(locally advanced or metastatic urothelial cancer:la/mUC)患者を対象に、Pfizer Inc.と共同で開発を進めている抗体-薬物複合体(Antibody-Drug Conjugate:ADC)であるエンホルツマブ ベドチンとMerck & Co., Inc., Rahway, NJ, USA(米国とカナダ以外ではMSD)の抗PD-1抗体ペムブロリズマブの併用群と化学療法群を比較した第III相EV-302試験に関して、シスプラチン適応および不適応の患者のデータを含む追加データを発表します。これらの結果は、la/mUCの治療においてシスプラチン適応の有無にかかわらず、この併用療法が画期的な治療法であることを支持しており、欧州、日本および中国での承認審査における基礎データとなります。 日本において製造販売承認を取得し、グローバルの複数の規制当局で審査中のファーストインクラスの抗CLDN18.2モノクローナル抗体であるゾルベツキシマブについて、CLDN18.2陽性、HER2陰性の切除不能な局所進行性または転移性胃腺がんおよび食道胃接合部腺がん患者の一次治療薬として、ゾルベツキシマブ+mFOLFOX6療法(オキサリプラチン、ホリナートおよびフルオロウラシルを組み合わせた化学療法)の併用療法の有効性と安全性を評価した第III相SPOTLIGHT試験の全生存期間(Overall Survival:OS)の最終結果を発表します。これらの結果は、グローバルでゾルベツキシマブの承認取得を目指すアステラス製薬の取り組みを、強力に支持します。 生化学的再発(Biochemical Recurrence:BCR)のリスクが高い非転移性ホルモン(または去勢)感受性前立腺がん(nonmetastatic hormone- (or castration-) sensitive prostate cancer:nmHSPCまたはnmCSPC)患者を対象に、エンザルタミド+リュープロレリン併用群、プラセボ+リュープロレリン併用群、およびエンザルタミド単剤群を評価した第III相EMBARK試験の2つの新たな解析結果である、治療中断が健康関連の生活の質(health-related quality of life: HRQoL)に与える影響に関するデータを口頭で、性機能保持に関する患者報告結果をポスターで発表します。 2024年ASCOにおけるアステラス製薬の発表演題(現地時間)エンホルツマブ ベドチンに関する発表演題演者発表形式および抄録番号Impact of exposure on outcomes with enfortumab vedotin in patients with locally advanced or metastatic urothelial cancerD. Petrylak発表形式: Oral Presentation抄録番号: 4503日時: 6/38:00-11:00 AM CDTPatient-reported outcomes (PROs) from a randomized, phase 3 trial of enfortumab vedotin plus pembrolizumab (EV+P) versus platinum-based chemotherapy (PBC) in previously untreated locally advanced or metastatic urothelial cancer (la/mUC)S. Gupta発表形式: Oral Presentation抄録番号: 4502日時: 6/38:00-11:00 AM CDTEnfortumab vedotin (EV) in triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) and HR+/HER2- breast cancer (BC) cohorts of EV-202A. Giordano発表形式: Oral Presentation抄録番号: 1005日時: 6/13:00-6:00 PM CDTEnfortumab vedotin (EV) with pembrolizumab (P) versus chemotherapy (chemo) in previously untreated locally advanced or metastatic urothelial carcinoma (la/mUC): Analysis of cisplatin (cis)-eligible population from EV-302/KEYNOTE-A39J. Bedke発表形式:Poster Presentation抄録番号: 4562日時: 6/29:00 AM-12:00 PM CDTEnfortumab vedotin (EV) with pembrolizumab (P) versus chemotherapy (chemo) in previously untreated locally advanced or metastatic urothelial carcinoma (la/mUC): Analysis of the cisplatin (cis)-ineligible population from EV-302/KEYNOTE-A39M. Van Der Heijden発表形式: Poster Presentation抄録番号: 4563日時: 6/2 9:00 AM-12:00 PM CDTEnfortumab vedotin (EV) in non-squamous and squamous non–small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) cohorts of EV-202K. Muro発表形式: Poster Presentation抄録番号: 8585日時: 6/31:30-4:30 PM CDTEnfortumab vedotin (EV) in previously treated gastric/esophageal cancers cohorts of EV-202K. Muro発表形式: Poster Presentation抄録番号: 4046日時: 6/11:30-4:30 PM CDTStudy EV-103: Neoadjuvant treatment with enfortumab vedotin monotherapy in cisplatin-ineligible patients with muscle invasive bladder cancer (MIBC): 2-year event-free survival and safety data for Cohort HP. O’Donnell発表形式: Poster Presentation抄録番号: 4564日時: 6/29:00 AM-12:00 PM CDTEnfortumab vedotin and pembrolizumab as first-line treatment in recurrent or metastatic head and neck squamous cell carcinoma: a cohort of the EV-202 trialP. Swiecicki発表形式: Poster Presentation抄録番号: TPS6116日時: 6/29:00 AM-12:00 PM CDTSystematic Literature Review and Network Meta-Analysis of First-Line Therapies for Locally Advanced/Metastatic Urothelial CarcinomaL. Bloudek発表形式: Online publication抄録番号: e16547Real-world first-line treatment patterns and outcomes in patients with locally advanced or metastatic urothelial carcinoma in the United StatesR. Chen発表形式: Online Publication抄録番号: e23287エンザルタミドに関する発表演題演者発表形式および抄録番号EMBARK post-hoc analysis of impact of treatment suspension (TxS) on health-related quality of life (HRQoL)S. Freedland発表形式: Oral Presentation抄録番号: 5005日時: 6/1 3:00-6:00 PM CDTEMBARK post hoc analysis of sexual activity (SA) patient-reported outcomes (PROs) in patients (pts) who were sexually active or interested in sex at baseline (BL)S. Freedland発表形式: Poster Presentation抄録番号: 5084日時: 6/29:00 AM-12:00 PM CDTPhysicians use of first-line treatment intensification in metastatic castration-sensitive prostate cancer (mCSPC): A discrete choice experimentS. Loeb発表形式: Poster Presentation抄録番号: 5087日時: 6/29:00 AM-12:00 PM CDTCharacteristics and treatment (Tx) patterns (TxP) of high-risk biochemically recurrent (HR-BCR) non-metastatic castration-sensitive prostate cancer in the real-world by race, age, and prostate-specific antigen (PSA) doubling time (PSADT)A. Morgans発表形式: Online-Only Abstract抄録番号: e17071ゾルベツキシマブに関する発表演題演者発表形式および抄録番号Final overall survival results from phase 3 SPOTLIGHT study evaluating zolbetuximab + mFOLFOX6 as first-line (1L) treatment for patients (pts) with claudin 18 isoform 2 (CLDN18.2) +, HER2−, locally advanced (LA) unresectable or metastatic gastric or gastroesophageal junction (mG/GEJ) adenocarcinomaK. Shitara発表形式: Poster Presentation抄録番号: 4036日時: 6/11:30-4:30 PM CDT以上 エンホルツマブ ベドチンに関するPfizer、Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, NJ, USA(米国とカナダ以外ではMSD)との提携についてSeagenとアステラス製薬は、治療歴のない転移性尿路上皮がん患者を対象に、PADCEVTM(エンホルツマブ ベドチン)とMerck & Co., Inc., Rahway, NJ, USAのKEYTRUDA®(ペムブロリズマブ)の併用療法を評価するために、臨床開発の提携契約を締結しています。既に案内の通り、2023年12月14日にPfizerはSeagenの買収を完了しました。KEYTRUDA®はMerck & Co., Inc., Rahway, NJ, USAの子会社であるMerck Sharp & Dohme Corp.の登録商標です。エンザルタミドに関するPfizer Inc.との提携について2009年10月、現在はPfizer (NYSE: PFE)の子会社であるMedivation, Inc.とアステラス製薬(TSE:4503)は、米国でXTANDITM (エンザルタミド)を共同で開発および商業化するための商業契約を締結しました。アステラス製薬は、米国外での商業化と、グローバルでの製造およびすべての追加の規制当局への申請を担っています。アステラス製薬株式会社についてアステラス製薬は、世界70カ国以上で事業活動を展開している製薬企業です。最先端のバイオロジーやモダリティ/テクノロジーの組み合わせを駆使し、アンメットメディカルニーズの高い疾患に対する革新的な医薬品の創出に取り組んでいます(Focus Areaアプローチ)。さらに、医療用医薬品(Rx)事業で培った強みをベースに、最先端の医療技術と異分野のパートナーの技術を融合した製品やサービス(Rx+®)の創出にも挑戦しています。アステラス製薬は、変化する医療の最先端に立ち、科学の進歩を患者さんの「価値」に変えていきます。アステラス製薬の詳細については、(https://www.astellas.com/jp/)をご覧ください。注意事項このプレスリリースに記載されている現在の計画、予想、戦略、想定に関する記述およびその他の過去の事実ではない記述は、アステラス製薬の業績等に関する将来の見通しです。これらの記述は経営陣の現在入手可能な情報に基づく見積りや想定によるものであり、既知および未知のリスクと不確実な要素を含んでいます。さまざまな要因によって、これら将来の見通しは実際の結果と大きく異なる可能性があります。その要因としては、(i)医薬品市場における事業環境の変化および関係法規制の改正、(ii)為替レートの変動、(iii)新製品発売の遅延、(iv)新製品および既存品の販売活動において期待した成果を得られない可能性、(v)競争力のある新薬を継続的に生み出すことができない可能性、(vi)第三者による知的財産の侵害等がありますが、これらに限定されるものではありません。また、このプレスリリースに含まれている医薬品(開発中のものを含む)に関する情報は、宣伝広告、医学的アドバイスを目的としているものではありません。 

Astellas Showcases Scientific Advancements Across its Oncol…link.gif 2024年05月13日 23時30分

TOKYO, May 13, 2024 – Astellas Pharma Inc. (TSE: 4503, President and CEO: NaokiOkamura, “Astellas”) will share new research from across its innovative portfolio of approved and investigational cancer therapies during the 2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology(ASCO) Annual Meeting from May 31 - June 4. A total of 16 abstracts will be presented, including new data from pivotal trials supporting ongoing regulatory reviews. The volume of data being presented by Astellas reinforces its commitment to changing the course of cancer treatment through targeted therapies for hard-to-treat cancers like prostate, urothelial, and gastric/gastroesophageal junction (GEJ) cancers.Tadaaki Taniguchi, MD, PhD, Chief Medical Officer, Astellas“The data at ASCO demonstrate the strength and breadth of our growing oncology portfolio and provide new insights into our transformative therapies for patients living with some of the most devastating cancers. Recent regulatory achievements mean our oncology medicines are reaching more patients than ever worldwide, and we are continuing to pursue novel targets and invest in research to improve overall survival and raise quality of life.”Highlights at the 2024 ASCO Annual Meeting include:Further data from the Phase 3 EV-302 trial evaluating enfortumab vedotin in combination with pembrolizumab versus chemotherapy in previously untreated locally advanced or metastatic urothelial carcinoma (la/mUC), including data in cisplatin-eligible and cisplatin-ineligible populations. These results support the combination as a landmark advancement in the care of patients with la/mUC, regardless of cisplatin eligibility, and serve as the basis of ongoing regulatory reviews by the European Medicines Agency’s (EMA) Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP), Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW), and the China National Medical Products Administration (NMPA).Final overall survival (OS) results from the Phase 3 SPOTLIGHT study, evaluating the efficacy and safety of zolbetuximab – a first-in-class claudin (CLDN) 18.2-targeted monoclonal antibody approved by Japan’s MHLW and currently in review by multiple regulatory authorities for approval worldwide. In this abstract, zolbetuximab is evaluated in combination with mFOLFOX6 (a combination chemotherapy regimen that includes oxaliplatin, leucovorin, and fluorouracil) for the first-line treatment of patients with CLDN18.2 positive, human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2)-negative, locally advanced unresectable or metastatic gastric or GEJ adenocarcinoma. These results underpin the strength of the zolbetuximab clinical data supporting the pursuit of regulatory approvals worldwide.Two new post-hoc analyses of the Phase 3 EMBARK trial, which evaluated enzalutamide plus leuprolide, placebo plus leuprolide, and enzalutamide (single agent) in patients with nonmetastatic hormone- (or castration-) sensitive prostate cancer (nmHSPC or nmCSPC) with high-risk biochemical recurrence (BCR), including an oral presentation on the impact of treatment suspension on health-related quality of life and a poster presentation on sexual activity patient-reported outcomes. Astellas Presentations at 2024 ASCO Annual MeetingEnfortumab VedotinPresentation TitleLead AuthorPresentation DetailsImpact of exposure on outcomes with enfortumab vedotin in patients with locally advanced or metastatic urothelial cancerD. PetrylakType: Oral PresentationAbstract Number: 4503Date: June 3, 20248:00-11:00 AM CDTPatient-reported outcomes (PROs) from a randomized, phase 3 trial of enfortumab vedotin plus pembrolizumab (EV+P) versus platinum-based chemotherapy (PBC) in previously untreated locally advanced or metastatic urothelial cancer (la/mUC)S. GuptaType: Oral PresentationAbstract Number: 4502Date: June 3, 20248:00-11:00 AM CDTEnfortumab vedotin (EV) in triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) and HR+/HER2- breast cancer (BC) cohorts of EV-202A. GiordanoType: Oral PresentationAbstract Number: 1005Date: June 1, 20243:00-6:00 PM CDTEnfortumab vedotin (EV) with pembrolizumab (P) versus chemotherapy (chemo) in previously untreated locally advanced or metastatic urothelial carcinoma (la/mUC): Analysis of cisplatin (cis)-eligible population from EV-302/KEYNOTE-A39J. BedkeType: Poster PresentationAbstract Number: 4562Date: June 2, 20249:00 AM-12:00 PM CDTEnfortumab vedotin (EV) with pembrolizumab (P) versus chemotherapy (chemo) in previously untreated locally advanced or metastatic urothelial carcinoma (la/mUC): Analysis of the cisplatin (cis)-ineligible population from EV-302/KEYNOTE-A39M. Van Der HeijdenType: Poster PresentationAbstract Number: 4563Date: June 2, 20249:00 AM-12:00 PM CDTEnfortumab vedotin (EV) in non-squamous and squamous non–small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) cohorts of EV-202K. MuroType: Poster PresentationAbstract Number: 8585Date: June 3, 20241:30-4:30 PM CDTEnfortumab vedotin (EV) in previously treated gastric/esophageal cancers cohorts of EV-202K. MuroType: Poster PresentationAbstract Number: 4046Date: June 1, 20241:30-4:30 PM CDTStudy EV-103: Neoadjuvant treatment with enfortumab vedotin monotherapy in cisplatin-ineligible patients with muscle invasive bladder cancer (MIBC): 2-year event-free survival and safety data for Cohort HP. O’DonnellType: Poster PresentationAbstract Number: 4564Date: June 2, 20249:00 AM-12:00 PM CDTEnfortumab vedotin and pembrolizumab as first-line treatment in recurrent or metastatic head and neck squamous cell carcinoma: a cohort of the EV-202 trialP. SwiecickiType: Poster PresentationAbstract Number: TPS6116Date: June 2, 20249:00 AM-12:00 PM CDTSystematic Literature Review and Network Meta-Analysis of First-Line Therapies for Locally Advanced/Metastatic Urothelial CarcinomaL. BloudekType: Online publicationAbstract Number: e16547Real-world first-line treatment patterns and outcomes in patients with locally advanced or metastatic urothelial carcinoma in the United StatesR. ChenType: Online PublicationAbstract Number: e23287EnzalutamidePresentation TitleLead AuthorPresentation DetailsEMBARK post-hoc analysis of impact of treatment suspension (TxS) on health-related quality of life (HRQoL)S. FreedlandType: Oral PresentationAbstract Number: 5005Date: June 1, 20243:00-6:00PM CDTEMBARK post hoc analysis of sexual activity (SA) patient-reported outcomes (PROs) in patients (pts) who were sexually active or interested in sex at baseline (BL)S. FreedlandType: Poster PresentationAbstract Number: 5084Date: June 2, 20249:00 AM-12:00 PM CDTPhysicians use of first-line treatment intensification in metastatic castration-sensitive prostate cancer (mCSPC): A discrete choice experimentS. LoebType: Poster PresentationAbstract Number: 5087Date: June 2, 20249:00 AM-12:00 PM CDTCharacteristics and treatment (Tx) patterns (TxP) of high-risk biochemically recurrent (HR-BCR) non-metastatic castration-sensitive prostate cancer in the real-world by race, age, and prostate-specific antigen (PSA) doubling time (PSADT)A. MorgansType: Online-Only AbstractAbstract Number: e17071ZolbetuximabPresentation TitleLead AuthorPresentation DetailsFinal overall survival results from phase 3 SPOTLIGHT study evaluating zolbetuximab + mFOLFOX6 as first-line (1L) treatment for patients (pts) with claudin 18 isoform 2 (CLDN18.2)+, HER2−, locally advanced (LA) unresectable or metastatic gastric or gastroesophageal junction (mG/GEJ) adenocarcinomaK. ShitaraType: Poster PresentationAbstract Number: 4036Date: June 1, 20241:30-4:30 PM CDT About PADCEV and the Astellas, Pfizer and Merck CollaborationAstellas and Pfizer have a clinical collaboration agreement with Merck to evaluate the combination of Astellas' and Pfizer's PADCEV™ (enfortumab vedotin-ejfv) and Merck's KEYTRUDA® (pembrolizumab) in patients with previously untreated metastatic urothelial cancer. KEYTRUDA is a registered trademark of Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp., a subsidiary of Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, NJ, USA (known as MSD outside of the United States and Canada).About XTANDI and the Pfizer/Astellas CollaborationIn October 2009, Medivation, Inc., which is now part of Pfizer (NYSE:PFE), and Astellas (TSE: 4503) entered into a commercial agreement to jointly develop and commercialize XTANDI® (enzalutamide) in the United States, while Astellas has responsibility for manufacturing and all additional regulatory filings globally, as well as commercializing the product outside the United States. Pfizer receives alliance revenues as a share of U.S. profits and receives royalties on sales outside the U.S.About AstellasAstellas Pharma Inc. is a pharmaceutical company conducting business in more than 70 countries around the world. We are promoting the Focus Area Approach that is designed to identify opportunities for the continuous creation of new drugs to address diseases with high unmet medical needs by focusing on Biology and Modality. Furthermore, we are also looking beyond our foundational Rx focus to create Rx+® healthcare solutions that combine our expertise and knowledge with cutting-edge technology in different fields of external partners. Through these efforts, Astellas stands on the forefront of healthcare change to turn innovative science into VALUE for patients. For more information, please visit our website at https://www.astellas.com/en.Cautionary NotesIn this press release, statements made with respect to current plans, estimates, strategies and beliefs and other statements that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements about the future performance of Astellas. These statements are based on management’s current assumptions and beliefs in light of the information currently available to it and involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties. A number of factors could cause actual results to differ materially from those discussed in the forward-looking statements. Such factors include, but are not limited to: (i) changes in general economic conditions and in laws and regulations, relating to pharmaceutical markets, (ii) currency exchange rate fluctuations, (iii) delays in new product launches, (iv) the inability of Astellas to market existing and new products effectively, (v) the inability of Astellas to continue to effectively research and develop products accepted by customers in highly competitive markets, and (vi) infringements of Astellas’ intellectual property rights by third parties. The safety and efficacy of the agent(s) under investigation have not been established for the use(s) being considered. There is no guarantee that the agent(s) will receive regulatory approval and become commercially available for the use(s) being investigated.Information about pharmaceutical products (including products currently in development) which is included in this press release is not intended to constitute an advertisement or medical advice. Click below for a copy of the full press release 

アステラス製薬とPoseida がん領域における他家細胞医療プログ…link.gif 2024年05月01日 23時30分

- Poseida独自の他家CAR-T細胞を用いる、固形がんを対象とした革新的なconvertibleCAR®細胞プログラムの研究開発 – アステラス製薬株式会社(本社:東京、代表取締役社長CEO:岡村 直樹、以下「アステラス製薬」)は、完全子会社であるXyphos Biosciences, Inc.(本社:米国カリフォルニア州、以下「Xyphos」)を通じて、Poseida Therapeutics, Inc. (本社:米国カリフォルニア州、CEO: Kristin Yarema、「Poseida」)と、両社の革新的な細胞医療プラットフォームを組み合わせた新規convertibleCAR®細胞プログラムに関する共同研究およびライセンス契約を締結しました。 Poseidaは、特定のがんや希少疾患を対象とした細胞医療および遺伝子治療プログラムを有するバイオ医薬品企業です。がん領域では、アンメットメディカルニーズの高い固形がんおよび血液がんを対象とする複数の他家CAR-T細胞プログラムの開発を実施しています。Xyphosは、convertibleCAR®*(Chimeric Antigen Receptor:キメラ抗原受容体)細胞と、がん細胞を標的とするMicAbody*1を組み合わせた独自技術プラットフォームであるACCELTM技術*1を有しています。 今回の契約により両社は、Poseidaが開発した他家CAR-T細胞プラットフォームと、XyphosのACCELTM技術を融合することにより、他家convertibleCAR®細胞を作成し、2つの固形がんを対象としたプログラムの創出を目指します。本共同研究から創出された製品の開発および商業化は、Xyphosが担います。Xyphosは、契約一時金として5,000万米ドルを支払います。さらに、プログラムの進捗に応じた最大5億5,000万米ドルのマイルストンに加えて、最大2桁%前半の売上高に応じたロイヤルティーをPoseidaに支払う可能性があります。XyphosはPoseidaが実施する本共同研究に関する費用を負担します。 今回の契約について、PoseidaのPresident and CEOであるKristin Yaremaは、「私たちは、最先端のオフ ザ シェルフ*2細胞医療が、アンメットメディカルニーズの高い固形がんの治療選択肢になり得るというビジョンを共有するアステラス製薬と、コラボレーションを拡大できることを大変嬉しく思います。本契約は、他家CAR-T細胞における当社の存在感の大きさを示すものであり、私たちの卓越した非ウイルス技術の価値がさらに向上し、Poseidaのコアパイプラインを越えた領域における治療薬の開発が可能になると考えています」と述べています。 アステラス製薬の経営戦略担当CStO(Chief Strategy Officer)のAdam Pearsonは、「アステラス製薬は、研究開発戦略であるFocus Areaアプローチの中で、特に注力しているPrimary Focusの一つに『がん免疫』を掲げています。私たちはがん領域における幅広い専門知識、経験、独自の技術を活かし、より多くの患者さんのがんを発見、無害化、破壊できるように、免疫システム機能を再活性化することに注力しています。Poseidaの最先端の遺伝子編集プラットフォームとアステラス製薬のACCELTM技術が相乗効果を発揮し、アステラス製薬のポートフォリオが拡大し、革新的なCAR-T細胞療法をがん患者さんに届けられることを期待しています」と述べています。 2023年8月、アステラス製薬とPoseidaは、がん領域の細胞医療に関する戦略的投資を含む提携に関する契約を締結しています。 本件によるアステラス製薬の業績への影響は、通期(2025年3月期)連結業績予想に織り込み済みです。以上*1 ACCELTM技術およびconvertibleCAR®:Xyphos独自のACCELTM技術は、タンパク工学により創製した受容体とリガンドタンパクの特異的な結合を利用した合成生物学的手法に基づいています。受容体を発現させたナチュラルキラー(NK)細胞やT細胞といった免疫細胞(convertibleCAR®細胞)と、攻撃標的であるがん抗原を認識する抗体をリガンドタンパクと融合させた抗体-リガンド融合タンパク(MicAbody)を患者さんに投与し、治療する技術です。詳細はこちらをご覧ください。*2 オフ ザ シェルフ:既製品化し、必要な時にすぐに使用可能な製剤アステラス製薬株式会社についてアステラス製薬は、世界70カ国以上で事業活動を展開している製薬企業です。最先端のバイオロジーやモダリティ/テクノロジーの組み合わせを駆使し、アンメットメディカルニーズの高い疾患に対する革新的な医薬品の創出に取り組んでいます(Focus Areaアプローチ)。さらに、医療用医薬品(Rx)事業で培った強みをベースに、最先端の医療技術と異分野のパートナーの技術を融合した製品やサービス(Rx+®)の創出にも挑戦しています。アステラス製薬は、変化する医療の最先端に立ち、科学の進歩を患者さんの「価値」に変えていきます。アステラス製薬の詳細については、(https://www.astellas.com/jp/)をご覧ください。Xyphos Biosciences, Inc.についてXyphos Biosciences, Inc.は、米国カリフォルニア州サウスサンフランシスコを拠点とし、CAR-免疫細胞療法に関する技術プラットフォームであるACCELTM技術を特徴とする会社です。同社は、2017年に設立され、2019年12月にアステラス製薬が買収し、アステラス製薬の完全子会社となりました。Xyphos Biosciences, Inc.の詳細については、(https://www.xyphosinc.com/)をご覧ください。Poseida Therapeutics, Inc. についてPoseidaは臨床段階に、特定のがんや希少疾患の治癒が可能な、複数の差別化された細胞および遺伝子治療プログラムを有するバイオ医薬品企業です。パイプラインには、固形がんと血液がんを対象とした他家CAR-T細胞プログラムのほか、アンメットメディカルニーズの高い患者さんを対象とした遺伝子治療プログラムが含まれています。Poseidaの細胞および遺伝子治療への取り組みは、独自のGMP細胞治療薬の製造だけでなく、非ウイルス型piggyBac®DNAデリバリーシステム、Cas-CLOVER™ Site-Specific Gene Editing System、Booster分子、ナノ粒子遺伝子送達技術、独自のGMP細胞治療薬の製造など、独自の遺伝子編集プラットフォームに基づいて実施されています。また、Poseidaはロシュと血液がんを対象とした細胞医療に関するグローバルな戦略的提携を締結しています。詳細は、www.poseida.com、Twitter、LinkedInをご覧ください。注意事項(アステラス)このプレスリリースに記載されている現在の計画、予想、戦略、想定に関する記述およびその他の過去の事実ではない記述は、アステラス製薬の業績等に関する将来の見通しです。これらの記述は経営陣の現在入手可能な情報に基づく見積りや想定によるものであり、既知および未知のリスクと不確実な要素を含んでいます。さまざまな要因によって、これら将来の見通しは実際の結果と大きく異なる可能性があります。その要因としては、(i)医薬品市場における事業環境の変化および関係法規制の改正、(ii)為替レートの変動、(iii)新製品発売の遅延、(iv)新製品および既存品の販売活動において期待した成果を得られない可能性、(v)競争力のある新薬を継続的に生み出すことができない可能性、(vi)第三者による知的財産の侵害等がありますが、これらに限定されるものではありません。また、このプレスリリースに含まれている医薬品(開発中のものを含む)に関する情報は、宣伝広告、医学的アドバイスを目的としているものではありません。 

Astellas and Poseida Therapeutics Enter Into Research Colla…link.gif 2024年05月01日 23時30分

- Leverages Poseida’s proprietary allogeneic CAR-T platform to developinnovative convertibleCAR® programs targeting solid tumors -TOKYO and SAN DIEGO, May 1, 2024 - Astellas Pharma Inc. (TSE: 4503, President and CEO: Naoki Okamura, “Astellas”) and Poseida Therapeutics, Inc. (NASDAQ: PSTX, President and CEO: Kristin Yarema, “Poseida”) today announced that Xyphos Biosciences, Inc., (a wholly owned subsidiary of Astellas, “Xyphos”) and Poseida have entered into a research collaboration and license agreement to develop novel convertibleCAR® programs by combining the innovative cell therapy platforms from each of the companies.Poseida is advancing differentiated cell and gene therapies with the capacity to cure certain cancers and rare diseases. In oncology, its pipeline includes allogeneic CAR-T cell therapy product candidates for both solid and liquid tumors that address patient populations with high unmet medical need. Xyphos utilizes a novel and proprietary ACCELTM technology*1 platform that uses its convertibleCAR® (convertible Chimeric Antigen Receptor)*1 in combination with proprietary MicAbodies*1 to target tumor cells.Under the terms of the agreement, the companies plan to combine Poseida’s proprietary allogeneic CAR-T platform with Xyphos’ ACCELTM technology to create one Poseida-developed CAR-T construct to form the basis of two convertibleCAR® product candidates targeting solid tumors. Xyphos will reimburse Poseida for costs incurred as part of the research agreement and will be responsible for the development and future commercialization of products generated from the collaboration. Poseida will receive US $50 million upfront plus potential development and sales milestones and contingency payments of up to US $550 million in total. Additionally, Poseida is eligible for up to low double digit tiered royalties as a percentage of net sales. Kristin Yarema, Ph.D., President and CEO of Poseida“We are excited to expand our relationship with Astellas, where we share a vision that cutting edge, off the shelf cell therapies can address significant unmet needs of patients with solid tumor malignancies. Today’s agreement further reinforces the economic value of Poseida’s highly differentiated non-viral technologies and enables development in areas beyond our core pipeline focus. It also highlights Poseida’s role as the partner of choice in allogeneic CAR-T.”Adam Pearson, Chief Strategy Officer (CStO) of Astellas“At Astellas, we have a strong commitment to developing novel treatments for patients with cancer and have positioned Immuno-Oncology as a Primary Focus of our R&D strategy*2. By leveraging our extensive expertise, experience in cancer biology and unique technologies, we are focused on reinvigorating the immune system’s ability to discover, disarm and destroy cancers in more patients. By combining the ACCELTM platform with Poseida’s elegant and cutting-edge genetic editing platforms, we believe the collaboration will bring synergies between the two companies’ breakthrough research and will ultimately lead to expansion of Astellas’ portfolio and to delivery of innovative CAR-T cell therapies to cancer patients.”In August 2023, Astellas and Poseida announced a strategic investment by Astellas to support Poseida’s commitment to redefining cancer cell therapy.*1 ACCELTM technology and convertibleCAR®: ACCELTM technology is based on a synthetic biology approach that utilizes the binding of an engineered protein ligand to an orthogonal engineered receptor which forms the extracellular domain of a convertible CAR (chimeric antigen receptor). The convertibleCAR® is targeted to tumor cells with a tumor-associated antigen-specific engineered antibody-like molecule (MicAbody) containing the engineered ligand. For more information, please visit http://www.xyphosinc.com*2: Astellas has established a Focus Area Approach for its research and development strategy. For more information, please visit our website at Areas of Interest | Astellas Pharma Inc.About AstellasAstellas Pharma Inc. is a pharmaceutical company conducting business in more than 70 countries around the world. We are promoting the Focus Area Approach that is designed to identify opportunities for the continuous creation of new drugs to address diseases with high unmet medical needs by focusing on Biology and Modality. Furthermore, we are also looking beyond our foundational Rx focus to create Rx+® healthcare solutions that combine our expertise and knowledge with cutting-edge technology in different fields of external partners. Through these efforts, Astellas stands on the forefront of healthcare change to turn innovative science into VALUE for patients. For more information, please visit our website at https://www.astellas.com/en.About Xyphos Biosciences, Inc., an Astellas CompanyXyphos Biosciences, Inc., located at South San Francisco, Calif., is a wholly owned subsidiary of Astellas featuring ACCELTM technology, a CAR (chimeric antigen receptor) technology platform for immune cell therapies. Xyphos Biosciences was launched in 2017, and the Company was acquired by Astellas Pharma in December of 2019. For more information about the company, please visit www.xyphosinc.com.About Poseida Therapeutics, Inc.Poseida Therapeutics is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company advancing differentiated cell therapies and genetic medicines with the capacity to cure certain cancers and rare diseases. The Company's pipeline includes investigational allogeneic CAR-T cell therapies for both solid tumors and hematologic cancers as well as investigational in vivo genetic medicines that address patient populations with high unmet medical need. The Company's approach is based on its proprietary genetic editing platforms, including its non-viral piggyBac® DNA Delivery System, Cas-CLOVER™ Site-Specific Gene Editing System, Booster Molecule and nanoparticle gene delivery technologies, as well as in-house GMP cell therapy manufacturing. The Company has formed a global strategic collaboration with Roche to unlock the promise of cell therapies for patients with hematologic malignancies. Learn more at www.poseida.com and connect with Poseida on X and LinkedIn.Cautionary Notes (Astellas)In this press release, statements made with respect to current plans, estimates, strategies and beliefs and other statements that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements about the future performance of Astellas. These statements are based on management’s current assumptions and beliefs in light of the information currently available to it and involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties. A number of factors could cause actual results to differ materially from those discussed in the forward-looking statements. Such factors include, but are not limited to: (i) changes in general economic conditions and in laws and regulations, relating to pharmaceutical markets, (ii) currency exchange rate fluctuations, (iii) delays in new product launches, (iv) the inability of Astellas to market existing and new products effectively, (v) the inability of Astellas to continue to effectively research and develop products accepted by customers in highly competitive markets, and (vi) infringements of Astellas’ intellectual property rights by third parties.Information about pharmaceutical products (including products currently in development) which is included in this press release is not intended to constitute an advertisement or medical advice.Forward-Looking Statements (Poseida)Statements contained in this press release regarding matters that are not historical facts are "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such forward-looking statements include statements regarding, among other things, the upfront payment and other potential fees, reimbursements, milestone, and royalty payments and research development activities under the collaboration agreement, the potential benefits of Poseida’s relationship with Astellas and Xyphos; the quotes from Dr. Yarema and Mr. Pearson; the potential capabilities and benefits of Poseida’s technology platforms and product candidates; and Poseida’s plans and strategy with respect to developing its technologies and product candidates. Because such statements are subject to risks and uncertainties, actual results may differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are based upon Poseida’s current expectations and involve assumptions that may never materialize or may prove to be incorrect. Actual results could differ materially from those anticipated in such forward-looking statements as a result of various risks and uncertainties, which include, without limitation, the fact that the collaboration agreement may be terminated early; the fact that Poseida will have limited control over the efforts and resources that Astellas or Xyphos devote to advancing development programs under the collaboration agreement, and Poseida may not receive the potential fees and payments under the collaboration agreement or fully realize the benefits of the collaboration; risks and uncertainties associated with development and regulatory approval of novel product candidates in the biopharmaceutical industry; and the other risks described in Poseida’s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. All forward-looking statements contained in this press release speak only as of the date on which they were made. Poseida undertakes no obligation to update such statements to reflect events that occur or circumstances that exist after the date on which they were made, except as required by law. Click below for a copy of the full press release 

コアベースの業績の定義変更についてlink.gif 2024年04月25日 06時00分

 アステラス製薬株式会社(本社:東京、以下「アステラス製薬」)は、2025年3月期以降、連結財務諸表におけるコアベースの業績の定義を変更することを、本日開催の取締役会にて決議しました。 アステラス製薬では、2014年3月期から連結財務諸表について国際会計基準(International Financial Reporting Standards:IFRS)を適用しており、コアベースの業績を開示しています。2025年3月期以降は、コアベースの業績の定義を変更し、フルベースの業績から新たに無形資産償却費、無形資産譲渡益、持分法による投資損益を当社が定める特定の重要な調整項目として、除外します。  【新たなコアベースの業績の定義】 当社は、当社の収益力を示す指標としてコアベースの業績を開示しています。当該コアベースの業績は、フルベースの業績から当社が定めた特定の重要な調整項目を除外したものです。調整項目には、無形資産償却費、無形資産譲渡益、持分法による投資損益、減損損失、有形固定資産売却損益、リストラクチャリング費用、災害による損失、訴訟等による多額の賠償又は和解費用等のほか、会社が除外すべきと判断する項目が含まれます。【変更の背景】 Iveric Bio買収に伴い、無形資産償却費が大幅に増加し、従来の定義ではアステラス製薬の収益力を適切に表すことができず、業績の推移や他社との比較が分かりづらい状況にありました。新定義のコアベースは、アステラス製薬の収益力をより適切に示す指標となり、グローバル製薬企業との比較を容易にします。以上アステラス製薬株式会社についてアステラス製薬は、世界70カ国以上で事業活動を展開している製薬企業です。最先端のバイオロジーやモダリティ/テクノロジーの組み合わせを駆使し、アンメットメディカルニーズの高い疾患に対する革新的な医薬品の創出に取り組んでいます(Focus Areaアプローチ)。さらに、医療用医薬品(Rx)事業で培った強みをベースに、最先端の医療技術と異分野のパートナーの技術を融合した製品やサービス(Rx+®)の創出にも挑戦しています。アステラス製薬は、変化する医療の最先端に立ち、科学の進歩を患者さんの「価値」に変えていきます。アステラス製薬の詳細については、(https://www.astellas.com/jp/)をご覧ください。注意事項このプレスリリースに記載されている現在の計画、予想、戦略、想定に関する記述およびその他の過去の事実ではない記述は、アステラス製薬の業績等に関する将来の見通しです。これらの記述は経営陣の現在入手可能な情報に基づく見積りや想定によるものであり、既知および未知のリスクと不確実な要素を含んでいます。さまざまな要因によって、これら将来の見通しは実際の結果と大きく異なる可能性があります。その要因としては、(i)医薬品市場における事業環境の変化および関係法規制の改正、(ii)為替レートの変動、(iii)新製品発売の遅延、(iv)新製品および既存品の販売活動において期待した成果を得られない可能性、(v)競争力のある新薬を継続的に生み出すことができない可能性、(vi)第三者による知的財産の侵害等がありますが、これらに限定されるものではありません。また、このプレスリリースに含まれている医薬品(開発中のものを含む)に関する情報は、宣伝広告、医学的アドバイスを目的としているものではありません。 

Change in Definition of Core Basis in Financial Resultslink.gif 2024年04月25日 06時00分

TOKYO, April 25, 2024 – Astellas Pharma Inc. (TSE: 4503, President and CEO: Naoki Okamura, “Astellas”) today announced that at the meeting of the Board of Directors held today, it decided to change the definition of core basis in consolidated financial statements from the fiscal year 2024 (FY2024) ending March 31, 2025 onward.Astellas has been applying International Financial Reporting Standards to consolidated financial statements since FY2013, which ended March 31, 2014, and disclosing financial results on a core basis. Astellas will change the definition of core basis from FY2024 and will newly exclude amortisation of intangible assets, gain on divestiture of intangible assets, and share of profit (loss) of investments accounted for using the equity method from the financial results on a full basis as certain significant adjusted items defined by the company.  <New Definition of Core Basis>The Company discloses financial results on a core basis as an indicator of its profitability. Certain significant adjusted items defined by the Company that are reported in financial results on a full basis are excluded from these financial results on a core basis. These adjusted items include amortisation of intangible assets, gain on divestiture of intangible assets, share of profit and loss of investments accounted for using equity method, impairment losses, gain/loss on sales of property, plant and equipment, restructuring costs, loss on disaster, a large amount of losses on compensation or settlement of litigations and other legal disputes, and certain other items defined by the Company.<The background to the change>As a result of the acquisition of Iveric Bio, the amortisation of intangible assets significantly increased, and the conventional definition could not appropriately reflect the profitability of Astellas, making it difficult to understand performance trends and compare with other companies. The new definition of core basis will function as an indicator that more accurately reflects Astellas’ profitability and facilitates easier comparison with global pharmaceutical companies from a financial standpoint. About AstellasAstellas Pharma Inc. is a pharmaceutical company conducting business in more than 70 countries around the world. We are promoting the Focus Area Approach that is designed to identify opportunities for the continuous creation of new drugs to address diseases with high unmet medical needs by focusing on Biology and Modality. Furthermore, we are also looking beyond our foundational Rx focus to create Rx+® healthcare solutions that combine our expertise and knowledge with cutting-edge technology in different fields of external partners. Through these efforts, Astellas stands on the forefront of healthcare change to turn innovative science into VALUE for patients. For more information, please visit our website at https://www.astellas.com/en.Cautionary NotesIn this press release, statements made with respect to current plans, estimates, strategies and beliefs and other statements that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements about the future performance of Astellas. These statements are based on management’s current assumptions and beliefs in light of the information currently available to it and involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties. A number of factors could cause actual results to differ materially from those discussed in the forward-looking statements. Such factors include, but are not limited to: (i) changes in general economic conditions and in laws and regulations, relating to pharmaceutical markets, (ii) currency exchange rate fluctuations, (iii) delays in new product launches, (iv) the inability of Astellas to market existing and new products effectively, (v) the inability of Astellas to continue to effectively research and develop products accepted by customers in highly competitive markets, and (vi) infringements of Astellas’ intellectual property rights by third parties.Information about pharmaceutical products (including products currently in development) which is included in this press release is not intended to constitute an advertisement or medical advice. Click below for a copy of the full press release 

役員の異動についてlink.gif 2024年04月25日 06時00分

 アステラス製薬株式会社(本社:東京、以下「当社」)は、本日の取締役会において、下記の通り、役員人事について内定いたしました。なお、本異動に関しては、2024年6月20日に開催予定の当社第19期定時株主総会および同日開催予定の取締役会にて正式に決定される予定です。記1. 取締役(監査等委員である取締役を除く)候補者氏名 現役職安川 健司再任代表取締役会長岡村 直樹再任代表取締役社長CEO 杉田 勝好再任代表取締役副社長 人事・コンプライアンス担当田中 孝司社外再任KDDI株式会社 代表取締役会長沖縄セルラー電話株式会社 取締役桜井 恵理子社外再任株式会社三井住友フィナンシャルグループ 社外取締役花王株式会社 社外取締役日本板硝子株式会社 社外取締役宮﨑 正啓社外再任栗田工業株式会社 社外取締役大野 洋一社外再任埼玉医科大学 社会医学 兼 リサーチアドミニストレーションセンター 兼 医学教育センター 客員教授社外取締役候補者の現役職については会社法上の重要な兼職を記載しています 2. 監査等委員である取締役候補者氏名 現役職廣田 里香新任社長付中山 美加社外再任 荒牧 知子社外新任荒牧公認会計士事務所 所長 富士ソフト株式会社 社外取締役エクシオグループ株式会社 社外取締役TREホールディングス株式会社 社外取締役(監査等委員)社外取締役候補者の現役職については会社法上の重要な兼職を記載しています 3. 退任予定の役員取締役 (監査等委員)   吉光 透社外取締役 (監査等委員) 髙橋 雷太 4. 定時株主総会承認後の取締役会の構成(予定)代表取締役会長       安川 健司(取締役会議長)代表取締役社長CEO     岡村 直樹代表取締役副社長      杉田 勝好社外取締役         田中 孝司社外取締役         桜井 恵理子社外取締役         宮﨑 正啓社外取締役         大野 洋一取締役 (監査等委員)   廣田 里香社外取締役 (監査等委員) 中山 美加社外取締役 (監査等委員) 秋山 里絵社外取締役 (監査等委員) 荒牧 知子以上(参考)新任の監査等委員である取締役候補者の略歴 氏  名        廣田 里香(ひろた りか)生年月日        1966年12月18日生略  歴1991年4月当社 入社2015年4月当社 研究本部 バイオサイエンス研究所長2017年4月当社 研究本部 研究統制部長2022年4月当社 開発研究 研究管理統制部長2023年1月当社 監査等委員会室 スペシャルアドバイザー2023年4月当社 監査等委員会室長2024年4月当社 社長付(現任) 氏    名        荒牧 知子(あらまき ともこ)生年月日    1968年11月7日生略    歴1991年10月センチュリー(現 EY新日本有限責任)監査法人 入所(2001年10月退所)1995年3月公認会計士登録2006年2月荒牧公認会計士事務所 所長(現任)2006年4月税理士登録2008年6月株式会社三城ホールディングス(現 株式会社パリミキホールディングス)社外監査役2015年6月同社 取締役IR担当2015年12月サコス株式会社 社外監査役2018年6月株式会社協和エクシオ(現 エクシオグループ株式会社) 社外監査役2022年3月富士ソフト株式会社 社外取締役(現任)2023年6月エクシオグループ株式会社 社外取締役(現任)2023年6月TREホールディングス株式会社 社外取締役(監査等委員)(現任) アステラス製薬株式会社についてアステラス製薬は、世界70カ国以上で事業活動を展開している製薬企業です。最先端のバイオロジーやモダリティ/テクノロジーの組み合わせを駆使し、アンメットメディカルニーズの高い疾患に対する革新的な医薬品の創出に取り組んでいます(Focus Areaアプローチ)。さらに、医療用医薬品(Rx)事業で培った強みをベースに、最先端の医療技術と異分野のパートナーの技術を融合した製品やサービス(Rx+®)の創出にも挑戦しています。アステラス製薬は、変化する医療の最先端に立ち、科学の進歩を患者さんの「価値」に変えていきます。アステラス製薬の詳細については、(https://www.astellas.com/jp/)をご覧ください。注意事項このプレスリリースに記載されている現在の計画、予想、戦略、想定に関する記述およびその他の過去の事実ではない記述は、アステラス製薬の業績等に関する将来の見通しです。これらの記述は経営陣の現在入手可能な情報に基づく見積りや想定によるものであり、既知および未知のリスクと不確実な要素を含んでいます。さまざまな要因によって、これら将来の見通しは実際の結果と大きく異なる可能性があります。その要因としては、(i)医薬品市場における事業環境の変化および関係法規制の改正、(ii)為替レートの変動、(iii)新製品発売の遅延、(iv)新製品および既存品の販売活動において期待した成果を得られない可能性、(v)競争力のある新薬を継続的に生み出すことができない可能性、(vi)第三者による知的財産の侵害等がありますが、これらに限定されるものではありません。また、このプレスリリースに含まれている医薬品(開発中のものを含む)に関する情報は、宣伝広告、医学的アドバイスを目的としているものではありません。 

Change of Directorslink.gif 2024年04月25日 06時00分

TOKYO, April 25, 2024 – Astellas Pharma Inc. (TSE: 4503, President and CEO: Naoki Okamura, “Astellas”) today announced that at a meeting of its Board of Directors held today, it decided a change in Directors as stated below. This change is subject to approval at the 19th Term Annual Shareholders Meeting and a decision at the Board of Directors meeting, both scheduled on June 20, 2024.1. Candidates for Directors (excluding Directors who Are Audit & Supervisory Committee Members)Name Current PositionKenji YasukawaReelectionRepresentative Director, Chairman of the BoardNaoki OkamuraReelectionRepresentative Director, President and CEOKatsuyoshi SugitaReelectionRepresentative Director, Executive Vice President, Chief People Officer and Chief Ethics & Compliance OfficerTakashi TanakaOutsideReelectionRepresentative Director, Chairman of the Board, KDDI CORPORATIONDirector, Okinawa Cellular Telephone CompanyEriko SakuraiOutsideReelectionOutside Director, Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group, Inc.Outside Director, Kao CorporationOutside Director, Nippon Sheet Glass Company, LtdMasahiro MiyazakiOutsideReelectionOutside Director, Kurita Water Industries Ltd.Yoichi OhnoOutsideReelectionVisiting Professor, Social Medicine, Research Administration Center and Medical Education Center, Saitama Medical UniversityThe current position of the candidates for outside Directors describes significant concurrent positions at other organizations pursuant to the Companies Act.2. Candidates for Directors who Are Audit & Supervisory Committee MembersName Current PositionRika HirotaNew CandidateReport to CEOMika NakayamaOutsideReelection Tomoko AramakiOutsideNew CandidatePresident, Aramaki CPA OfficeOutside Director, FUJI SOFT INCORPORATEDOutside Director, EXEO Group, Inc.Outside Director, Audit & Supervisory Committee Member, TRE HOLDINGS CORPORATIONThe current position of the candidates for outside Directors describes significant concurrent positions at other organizations pursuant to the Companies Act.3. Directors to Be RetiredDirector, Audit & Supervisory Committee Member                   Toru YoshimitsuOutside Director, Audit & Supervisory Committee Member    Raita Takahashi4. The Board of Directors as from June 20, 2024 (planned)Kenji Yasukawa (Representative Director, Chairman of the Board)Naoki Okamura (Representative Director, President and CEO)Katsuyoshi Sugita (Representative Director, Executive Vice President)Takashi Tanaka (Outside Director)Eriko Sakurai (Outside Director)Masahiro Miyazaki (Outside Director)Yoichi Ohno (Outside Director)Rika Hirota (Director, Audit & Supervisory Committee Member)Mika Nakayama (Outside Director, Audit & Supervisory Committee Member) Rie Akiyama (Outside Director, Audit & Supervisory Committee Member)Tomoko Aramaki (Outside Director, Audit & Supervisory Committee Member)(Reference)Brief Biographies of New Candidates for Director, Audit & Supervisory Committee Member Name: Rika HirotaDate of birth: December 18, 1966Resume, position and responsibilities at the Company:April 1991Joined the CompanyApril 2015Head, Bioscience Research Laboratories, Drug Discovery Research, the CompanyApril 2017Head, Research Regulatory Management, Drug Discovery Research, the CompanyApril 2022Head, Research Regulation and Administration, Applied Research and Operations, the CompanyJanuary 2023Special Advisor, Audit & Supervisory Committee Office, the CompanyApril 2023Head, Audit & Supervisory Committee Office, the CompanyApril 2024Report to CEO, the Company (present post) Name: Tomoko AramakiDate of birth: November 7, 1968Resume, position and responsibilities at the Company:October 1991Joined Century Audit Corporation (current Ernst & Young ShinNihon LLC) (resigned in October 2001)March 1995Registered as Certified Public AccountantFebruary 2006President, Aramaki CPA Office (present post)April 2006Registered as Certified Tax AccountantJune 2008Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Member, PARIS MIKI HOLDINGS Inc.June 2015Director, in charge of Investor Relations, PARIS MIKI HOLDINGS Inc.December 2015Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Member, SACOS CORPORATIONJune 2018Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Member, KYOWA EXEO CORPORATION (current EXEO Group, Inc.)March 2022Outside Director, FUJI SOFT INCORPORATED (present post)June 2023Outside Director, EXEO Group, Inc. (present post)June 2023Outside Director (Audit & Supervisory Committee Member), TRE HOLDINGS CORPORATION (present post) About AstellasAstellas Pharma Inc. is a pharmaceutical company conducting business in more than 70 countries around the world. We are promoting the Focus Area Approach that is designed to identify opportunities for the continuous creation of new drugs to address diseases with high unmet medical needs by focusing on Biology and Modality. Furthermore, we are also looking beyond our foundational Rx focus to create Rx+® healthcare solutions that combine our expertise and knowledge with cutting-edge technology in different fields of external partners. Through these efforts, Astellas stands on the forefront of healthcare change to turn innovative science into VALUE for patients. For more information, please visit our website at https://www.astellas.com/en.Cautionary NotesIn this press release, statements made with respect to current plans, estimates, strategies and beliefs and other statements that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements about the future performance of Astellas. These statements are based on management’s current assumptions and beliefs in light of the information currently available to it and involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties. A number of factors could cause actual results to differ materially from those discussed in the forward-looking statements. Such factors include, but are not limited to: (i) changes in general economic conditions and in laws and regulations, relating to pharmaceutical markets, (ii) currency exchange rate fluctuations, (iii) delays in new product launches, (iv) the inability of Astellas to market existing and new products effectively, (v) the inability of Astellas to continue to effectively research and develop products accepted by customers in highly competitive markets, and (vi) infringements of Astellas’ intellectual property rights by third parties.Information about pharmaceutical products (including products currently in development) which is included in this press release is not intended to constitute an advertisement or medical advice. Click below for a copy of the full press release 

Posted Financial Results for FY2023link.gif 2024年04月25日 06時00分

Astellas’ XTANDI<sup>TM</sup> (Enzalutamide) Granted Europe…link.gif 2024年04月23日 23時30分

XTANDI is now the first and only novel hormone therapy available for the treatment of high-risk biochemical recurrent non-metastatic hormone-sensitive prostate cancer in the European Union (EU)XTANDI can be given alone or in combination with androgen deprivation therapyApproval is based on results from the positive Phase 3 EMBARK study which showed XTANDI alone or in combination with leuprolide reduced the risk of metastasis or deathTOKYO, April 23, 2024 – Astellas Pharma Inc. (TSE: 4503, President and CEO: Naoki Okamura, “Astellas”) today announced the European Commission (EC) has approved a label extension for XTANDITM (enzalutamide) as monotherapy or in combination with androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) for the treatment of adult men with high-risk biochemical recurrent (BCR) non-metastatic hormone-sensitive prostate cancer (nmHSPC) who are unsuitable for salvage-radiotherapy.The extended approval for XTANDI is based on results from the Phase 3 EMBARK trial in 1,068 men with high-risk BCR nmHSPC, in whom levels of prostate-specific antigen (PSA), the biomarker which can be indicative of prostate cancer activity, doubled in nine months or less. The study showed patients treated with XTANDI in combination with leuprolide had a 57.6% lower chance of their cancer spreading or dying compared to those treated with leuprolide alone. Participants who were treated with XTANDI alone had a 36.9% reduction in risk.1The European Association of Urology (EAU) revised their treatment guidelines in April 2024, recommending enzalutamide for men with high-risk BCR nmHSPC with or without ADT, after radiation therapy or surgery. Up until now, there has been no consensus on the standard of care for men in this setting.2Dr. Antonio Alcaraz, Chairman of the Department of Urology at the University Hospital Clinic of Barcelona:“When non-metastatic hormone-sensitive prostate cancer recurs and is allowed to evolve, it could potentially lead to metastasis. Facing a particularly high risk and poorer outcomes in this stage of prostate cancer are men with a rapidly rising PSA, where PSA levels double within 9 months. It is critical to manage the cancer carefully then, and I urge clinicians not to delay treatment in this setting. With this expanded approval for enzalutamide, clinicians now have an important new option to treat men with non-metastatic hormone-sensitive prostate cancer at high risk of metastasizing, which could become a new standard of care.”Ernst-Günther Carl, Chairman, Europa Uomo:“There is a desperate need for additional effective treatment options for those living with advanced prostate cancer. Many men with hormone-sensitive prostate cancer undergo arduous surgery and rounds of radiotherapy, which can be a successful way to keep their cancer at bay. It is devastating then, when up to four in ten of those will go on to develop a recurrence that puts them at significantly greater risk of their cancer spreading and early death. The patient community welcomes any ongoing therapeutic research advances that may benefit those living with prostate cancer in progress.”Ahsan Arozullah, MD, MPH, Senior Vice President and Head of Oncology Development, Astellas:“This expanded approval for XTANDI is a vitally important advance for patients with nmHSPC with high-risk BCR and is a testament to our long and ongoing collaboration with a global network of dedicated clinical trial investigators, patient groups, clinical trial participants and their families. Efficacy and safety results from the EMBARK study demonstrate the potential for XTANDI as a new option for treatment in the early, recurrent hormone-sensitive prostate cancer setting. Astellas is in active discussions with regulatory authorities around the world to bring XTANDI to those who may benefit.”The EC approval follows the positive opinion issued by the Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP) of the European Medicines Agency (EMA) in March 2024, recommending approval of XTANDI in the high risk BCR nmHSPC setting.3XTANDI was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of patients with non-metastatic castration-sensitive prostate cancer (nmCSPC; also known as nmHSPC) with BCR at high risk for metastasis in November 2023.Astellas will reflect the impact from this matter in its financial forecast of the fiscal year ending March 31, 2025 that is scheduled to be disclosed on April 25, 2024.For more information, please see the press releases “Astellas Receives Positive CHMP Opinion for XTANDITM in Additional Recurrent Early Prostate Cancer Treatment Setting” issued on March 25, 2024, and “European Medicines Agency Validates Type II Variation for Astellas' XTANDI® (enzalutamide) for Treatment of Non-Metastatic Hormone-Sensitive Prostate Cancer with High-Risk Biochemical Recurrence” issued on September 12, 2023.About EMBARKThe Astellas- and Pfizer-led Phase 3, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multi-national trial enrolled 1,068 patients with nonmetastatic hormone- (or castration-) sensitive prostate cancer (nmHSPC or nmCSPC) with high-risk BCR at sites in the U.S., Canada, Europe, South America, and the Asia-Pacific region. Patients who were considered to experience high-risk BCR had a prostate-specific antigen doubling time (PSA-DT) ≤ 9 months; serum testosterone ≥ 150 ng/dL (5.2 nmol/L); and screening PSA by the central laboratory ≥ 1 ng/mL if they had a radical prostatectomy (with or without radiotherapy) as primary treatment for prostate cancer, or at least 2 ng/mL above the nadir if they had radiotherapy only as primary treatment for prostate cancer. Patients in the EMBARK trial were randomized to receive enzalutamide 160 mg daily plus leuprolide (n=355), enzalutamide 160 mg as a single agent (n=355), or placebo plus leuprolide (n=358). Leuprolide 22.5 mg was administered every 12 weeks.EMBARK met its primary endpoint of metastasis-free survival (MFS) for the XTANDI plus leuprolide arm, demonstrating a statistically significant reduction in the risk of metastasis or death over placebo plus leuprolide. MFS is defined as the duration of time in months between randomization and the earliest objective evidence of radiographic progression by central imaging or death due to any cause, whichever occurred first.The study also met a key secondary endpoint, by demonstrating that patients treated with XTANDI (single agent) had a statistically significant reduction in the risk of metastasis or death versus placebo plus leuprolide, meeting its MFS endpoint.In EMBARK, Grade 3 or higher adverse events (AEs) were reported in 46% of XTANDI plus leuprolide patients, 50% of patients treated with XTANDI (single agent), and 43% of patients receiving placebo plus leuprolide. Permanent discontinuation due to AEs as the primary reason was reported in 21% of XTANDI plus leuprolide patients, 18% in XTANDI (single agent) patients, and 10% in placebo plus leuprolide patients.For more information on the EMBARK trial (NCT02319837) go to www.clinicaltrials.gov.About High Risk Biochemical Recurrent Non-Metastatic Hormone Sensitive Prostate CancerIn non-metastatic hormone (or castration-) sensitive prostate cancer (nmHSPC or nmCSPC), no evidence of the cancer spreading to distant parts of the body (metastases) is detectable with conventional radiological methods (CT/MRI), and the cancer still responds to medical or surgical treatment designed to lower testosterone levels.4 Of men who have undergone definitive prostate cancer treatment, including radical prostatectomy, radiotherapy, or both, an estimated 20-40% will experience a BCR within 10 years.5 About 9 out of 10 men with high-risk BCR will develop metastatic disease, and 1 in 3 will die as a result of their metastatic prostate cancer.6 The EMBARK trial focused on men with high-risk BCR. Per the EMBARK protocol, patients with nmHSPC and high-risk BCR are those initially treated by radical prostatectomy or radiotherapy, or both, with a PSA-DT ≤ 9 months. High-risk BCR patients with a PSA-DT of ≤ 9 months have a higher risk of metastases and death.7About XTANDI™ (enzalutamide)XTANDI (enzalutamide) is an androgen receptor signaling inhibitor. Enzalutamide is a standard of care and has received regulatory approvals in one or more countries around the world for use in men with metastatic hormone-sensitive prostate cancer (mHSPC), metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC), non-metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (nmCRPC) and non-metastatic hormone-sensitive prostate cancer (nmHSPC) with high-risk biochemical recurrence (BCR). Enzalutamide is currently approved for one or more of these indications in more than 90 countries, including in the United States, European Union and Japan. Over one million patients have been treated with enzalutamide globally.8About XTANDI™ (enzalutamide) in the E.U.9Enzalutamide is an androgen receptor signaling inhibitor indicated in the E.U.:as monotherapy or in combination with androgen deprivation therapy for the treatment of adult men with high-risk biochemical recurrent (BCR) non-metastatic hormone-sensitive prostate cancer (nmHSPC) who are unsuitable for salvage-radiotherapy.in combination with androgen deprivation therapy for the treatment of adult men with metastatic hormone-sensitive prostate cancer (mHSPC).for the treatment of adult men with high-risk non-metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC).for the treatment of adult men with metastatic CRPC who are asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic after failure of androgen deprivation therapy in whom chemotherapy is not yet clinically indicated.for the treatment of adult men with metastatic CRPC whose disease has progressed on or after docetaxel therapy.Important Safety InformationFor Important Safety Information for enzalutamide please see the full Summary of Product Characteristics at: https://www.ema.europa.eu/en/documents/product-information/xtandi-epar-product-information_en.pdfAbout AstellasAstellas Pharma Inc. is a pharmaceutical company conducting business in more than 70 countries around the world. We are promoting the Focus Area Approach that is designed to identify opportunities for the continuous creation of new drugs to address diseases with high unmet medical needs by focusing on Biology and Modality. Furthermore, we are also looking beyond our foundational Rx focus to create Rx+® healthcare solutions that combine our expertise and knowledge with cutting-edge technology in different fields of external partners. Through these efforts, Astellas stands on the forefront of healthcare change to turn innovative science into VALUE for patients. For more information, please visit our website at https://www.astellas.com/Cautionary NotesIn this press release, statements made with respect to current plans, estimates, strategies and beliefs and other statements that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements about the future performance of Astellas. These statements are based on management’s current assumptions and beliefs in light of the information currently available to it and involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties. A number of factors could cause actual results to differ materially from those discussed in the forward-looking statements. Such factors include, but are not limited to: (i) changes in general economic conditions and in laws and regulations, relating to pharmaceutical markets, (ii) currency exchange rate fluctuations, (iii) delays in new product launches, (iv) the inability of Astellas to market existing and new products effectively, (v) the inability of Astellas to continue to effectively research and develop products accepted by customers in highly competitive markets, and (vi) infringements of Astellas’ intellectual property rights by third parties.Information about pharmaceutical products (including products currently in development) which is included in this press release is not intended to constitute an advertisement or medical advice.References1 Freedland SJ, et al. Improved Outcomes with Enzalutamide in Biochemically Recurrent Prostate Cancer. N Engl J Med. 2023;389:1453-146. 2 European Association of Urology (EAU). EAU Guidelines: Prostate Cancer. Available at: https://d56bochluxqnz.cloudfront.net/documents/full-guideline/EAU-EANM-ESTRO-ESUR-ISUP-SIOG-Guidelines-on-Prostate-Cancer-2024.pdf. Accessed: April 24, 2024.3 European Medicines Agency. Meeting highlights from the Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP). March 18-21, 2024. Available at: https://www.ema.europa.eu/en/news/meeting-highlights-committee-medicinal-products-human-use-chmp-18-21-march-2024. Accessed: April 24, 2024.4 Cancer.net. Prostate Cancer: Types of Treatment. Available at: https://www.cancer.net/cancer-types/prostate-cancer/types-treatment. Accessed: April 24, 2024.5 Ward JF, Moul JW. Rising prostate-specific antigen after primary prostate cancer therapy. Nat Clin Pract Urol. 2005;2(4):174-82.6 Antonarakis ES, et al. The natural history of metastatic progression in men with prostate-specific antigen recurrence after radical prostatectomy: long-term follow-up. BJU Int. 2012;109(1):32-9.7 American Society of Clinical Oncology. ASCO Answers: Prostate Cancer Guide. Available at: https://www.cancer.net/sites/cancer.net/files/asco_answers_guide_prostate.pdf. Accessed: April 24, 2024.8 Astellas. Data on File. XTANDI patient. January 2023.9 European Medicines Agency. XTANDI EU SmPC. Available at: https://www.ema.europa.eu/en/documents/product-information/xtandi-epar-product-information_en.pdf. Accessed: April 2024. Click below for a copy of the full press release 

Takeda, Astellas and Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Announce Maste…link.gif 2024年04月22日 06時00分

Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited (TSE: 4502/NYSE: TAK, President and CEO; Christophe Weber, “Takeda”), Astellas Pharma Inc. (TSE: 4503, President and CEO: Naoki Okamura, “Astellas”), and Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation (President & CEO: Akihiro Fukutome, “SMBC”) today announced that the three companies signed a master agreement on April 22, 2024, to establish a joint venture company. The new company will be dedicated to the incubation*1 of early drug discovery programs, primarily originating from Japan and toward the creation of innovative therapeutics.1. BackgroundJapan, as one of the world's leaders in drug discovery and development, is home to both world-class academic institutions conducting innovative basic research in drug discovery and global pharmaceutical companies, with extensive expertise in early drug research and development. Both possess a wealth of early drug discovery programs with breakthrough potential. However, in recent years, advancing academic discoveries from bench to bedside, known colloquially as the “valley of death”, has presented a major challenge when it comes to unleashing the full potential of innovative technologies and seed assets originating in Japan. In response to this challenge, the three companies have been engaged in discussions to establish a joint venture company that will seamlessly cover the entire drug discovery process, spanning early drug discovery research through the inception of drug discovery startups.2. Joint Venture Company: Planned OverviewNameTo be determinedCEOToshio Fujimoto, MD, MBA*LocationShonan Health Innovation Park (Fujisawa, Kanagawa, Japan)CapitalApproximately 600 million yen (including capital reserve)Capital StructureTakeda 33.4%, Astellas 33.4%, SMBC 33.2%EstablishmentMid-2024BusinessIncubation of early discovery programs to develop innovative therapeutics primarily originated from Japan*Toshio Fujimoto will concurrently serve as President and Representative Director of the iPark Institute Co., Ltd.3. Business FocusThe joint venture company will focus on the following three aspects:Advancing innovative drug discovery programs primarily originating in Japan into the global pharmaceutical market.Incubating globally competitive drug discovery technology and fostering entrepreneurship.Unleashing the potential of drug discovery ecosystem in Japan through the creation of high caliber start-up companies.In addition to establishing the joint venture company, Takeda and Astellas will provide support to the joint venture company leveraging their expertise gained from global drug discovery research and development, aiming to accelerate open innovation in early-stage drug discovery, and toward the creation of start-up companies for the benefit of society.The joint venture company plans to begin incubation activities by collaboratively working with academia, pharmaceutical companies, and start-up companies across Japan to enable access to potentially transformative early drug discovery programs.4. Future PlansThe three companies will further discuss the details of the agreement to complete the inception of the joint venture company and commence operations, aiming for a swift launch of the new incubation activities.*1 Incubation: Services and activities that support entrepreneurship and business creation.About TakedaTakeda is focused on creating better health for people and a brighter future for the world. We aim to discover and deliver life-transforming treatments in our core therapeutic and business areas, including gastrointestinal and inflammation, rare diseases, plasma-derived therapies, oncology, neuroscience and vaccines. Together with our partners, we aim to improve the patient experience and advance a new frontier of treatment options through our dynamic and diverse pipeline. As a leading values-based, R&D-driven biopharmaceutical company headquartered in Japan, we are guided by our commitment to patients, our people and the planet. Our employees in approximately 80 countries and regions are driven by our purpose and are grounded in the values that have defined us for more than two centuries. For more information, visit www.takeda.com.About AstellasAstellas Pharma Inc. is a pharmaceutical company conducting business in more than 70 countries around the world. We are promoting the Focus Area Approach that is designed to identify opportunities for the continuous creation of new drugs to address diseases with high unmet medical needs by focusing on Biology and Modality. Furthermore, we are also looking beyond our foundational Rx focus to create Rx+® healthcare solutions that combine our expertise and knowledge with cutting-edge technology in different fields of external partners. Through these efforts, Astellas stands on the forefront of healthcare change to turn innovative science into VALUE for patients. For more information, please visit our website at https://www.astellas.com/en.About Sumitomo Mitsui Banking CorporationSumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation (SMBC) is a subsidiary of Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group, Inc., which operates 455 branches in Japan (excluding branch offices and agents) and 19 overseas (excluding branch offices and representative offices). For more information, visit https://www.smbc.co.jp/global/.Cautionary Notes(Astellas)In this press release, statements made with respect to current plans, estimates, strategies and beliefs and other statements that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements about the future performance of Astellas. These statements are based on management’s current assumptions and beliefs in light of the information currently available to it and involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties. A number of factors could cause actual results to differ materially from those discussed in the forward-looking statements. Such factors include, but are not limited to: (i) changes in general economic conditions and in laws and regulations, relating to pharmaceutical markets, (ii) currency exchange rate fluctuations, (iii) delays in new product launches, (iv) the inability of Astellas to market existing and new products effectively, (v) the inability of Astellas to continue to effectively research and develop products accepted by customers in highly competitive markets, and (vi) infringements of Astellas’ intellectual property rights by third parties. information about pharmaceutical products (including products currently in development) which is included in this press release is not intended to constitute an advertisement or medical advice. Click below for a copy of the full press release 

Astellas Confirms Unfavorable District Court Decision Conce…link.gif 2024年04月21日 23時30分

TOKYO, April 22, 2024 – Astellas Pharma Inc. (TSE: 4503, President and CEO: Naoki Okamura, “Astellas”) confirms the U.S. District Court for the District of Delaware has filed a Report and Recommendation that recommends denying Astellas’ motion for a preliminary injunction that sought to enjoin Lupin and Zydus from launching their generic versions of MyrbetriqTM at risk prior to the conclusion of pending patent litigation involving Astellas’ U.S. Patent No. 11,707,451 (“the ‘451 patent). Astellas plans to file objections to the Report. In July 2023, Astellas filed this lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for the District of Delaware asserting that Zydus’ and Lupin’s generic versions of MyrbetriqTM infringe the ‘451 patent.Astellas also has separate patent litigation against Zydus and Lupin in which Astellas asserts that Zydus’ and Lupin’s versions of Myrbetriq TM infringe Astellas’ U.S. Patent No. 10,842,780. That case is currently pending at the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit (CAFC).Astellas is reviewing the impact that an at risk launch would have in its financial forecast of the fiscal year ending March 31, 2025 that is scheduled to be disclosed on April 25, 2024.About AstellasAstellas Pharma Inc. is a pharmaceutical company conducting business in more than 70 countries around the world. We are promoting the Focus Area Approach that is designed to identify opportunities for the continuous creation of new drugs to address diseases with high unmet medical needs by focusing on Biology and Modality. Furthermore, we are also looking beyond our foundational Rx focus to create Rx+® healthcare solutions that combine our expertise and knowledge with cutting-edge technology in different fields of external partners. Through these efforts, Astellas stands at the forefront of healthcare change to turn innovative science into value for patients. For more information, please visit our website at https://www.astellas.com/en.Cautionary NotesIn this press release, statements made concerning current plans, estimates, strategies and beliefs and other statements that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements about the future performance of Astellas. These statements are based on management’s current assumptions and beliefs considering the information currently available to it and involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties. Several factors could cause actual results to differ materially from those discussed in the forward-looking statements. Such factors include, but are not limited to: (i) changes in general economic conditions and in laws and regulations, relating to pharmaceutical markets, (ii) currency exchange rate fluctuations, (iii) delays in new product launches, (iv) the inability of Astellas to market existing and new products effectively, (v) the inability of Astellas to continue to effectively research and develop products accepted by customers in highly competitive markets, and (vi) infringements of Astellas’ intellectual property rights by third parties.Information about pharmaceutical products (including products currently in development) included in this press release is not intended to constitute an advertisement or medical advice.Click below for a copy of the full press release 

Posted Financial Results for Q3/FY2023link.gif 2024年02月05日 06時00分

Posted Financial Results for Q2/FY2023link.gif 2023年11月01日 06時00分

Posted Financial Results for 1Q/FY2023link.gif 2023年08月01日 06時00分

Posted Financial Results for FY2022link.gif 2023年04月27日 06時00分

Posted Financial Results for 3Q/FY2022link.gif 2023年02月06日 06時00分

Updated “R&D Meeting” Sectionlink.gif 2022年12月08日 23時30分

Posted Financial Results for 2Q/FY2022link.gif 2022年10月31日 06時00分

Astellas to change exchange rates used for elimination of u…link.gif 2022年10月25日 01時00分

 Astellas will change the exchange rate used for elimination of unrealized profit on inventories from Q2 of the 2022 fiscal year ending March 31, 2023.  When eliminating unrealized profit on inventories held by foreign group affiliates in our consolidation process, the amount of unrealized profit has until now been converted to the reporting currency at the current rate. The amount was deducted from the inventories as well as booked in the cost of sales. However, because the average rate is used to convert revenues and expenses of foreign group affiliates, this sometimes affected our consolidated results due to fluctuations in exchange rates.  In consideration of recent rapid exchange rate fluctuations, for the purpose of financial reporting that more appropriately reflects the true situation of the business, we decided to change exchange rates used for elimination of unrealized profit from Q2 of the 2022 fiscal year ending March 31, 2023 as shown in the table below.   Until Q1/FY2022 From Q2/FY2022 Inventories (Statement of Financial Position Item) Current rate Current rate Cost of sales (Statements of Income Item) Current rate Average rate (Ref) Revenues and expenses of foreign group affiliates (Statements of Income Item) Average rate Average rate  As a result of the above, conversion differences between the current rate and the average rate for that period were previously recognized in cost of sales in the Consolidated Statement of Income, however, it will be recognized in equity through other comprehensive income going forward.  This change does not represent a change in accounting policy, we will not restate our historical consolidated financial statements.  

Integrated Report 2022 is now available.link.gif 2022年09月30日 05時00分

Astellas publish its Integrate Report(former Annual Report) to enable deeper stakeholder understanding of Astellas' efforts to continuously create VALUE for sustainable growth.  Integrated Report 2022 is now available at the following link: https://www.astellas.com/en/system/files/astellas_ir2022_en_20220930.pdf

Posted Financial Results for 1Q/FY2022link.gif 2022年08月01日 03時00分
